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A new UN report has found continued evidence of war crimes and human rights violations committed by Russian authorities in Ukraine, including torture, rape and the deportation of children.
Five weeks ago, the International Criminal Court detected a serious cyber security incident, thanks to the alert mechanism provided by its monitoring system. The ICC has made various and serious efforts to address this attack. The Court deems it is its responsibility to continue to inform about these efforts and to provide the relevant additional information on the attack itself.
La Policía Federal de Brasil refirió este viernes que durante el mandato del expresidente Jair Bolsonaro, la Agencia Brasileña de Inteligencia (Abin) espió a políticos y periodistas a través de sus dispositivos móviles.
Los gobiernos se reúnen esta semana en Viena para negociar un tratado mundial sobre ciberdelincuencia. Pero en lugar de fomentar la cooperación en materia de ciberdelincuencia, el tratado puede acabar facilitando la represión transfronteriza y dificultar la investigación de los ciberdelitos reales.
Malgré un accord de paix, la justice transitionnelle en Éthiopie est en échec et les violences continuent. L'Europe et les États-Unis ont-ils abandonné la justice au profit d'intérêts politiques stratégiques ?
Some have argued the proposed EU law could usher in mass surveillance in the bloc through the scanning of all communications, including encrypted messages.
While aid workers serving conflict-affected civilian populations depend on a set of laws to protect them, some warring parties violate these global agreements, from targeting hospitals and schools to blocking aid workers from reaching civilians with lifesaving goods and services.
Paris livre ses archives classifiées à la commission d'historiens pour faire la lumière sur le rôle de la France dans la violente répression ayant visé les indépendantistes.
El ministro de Justicia, Luis Cordero, dio a conocer los resultados de la revisión especial que se encargó a los procesos seguidos por la Unidad de Derechos Humanos del SML, y que incluyó un detallado estudio de lo ocurrido con osamentas enviadas a la Universidad de Chile entre 2001 y 2002.
Author speaks candidly about a ‘mirror world’ that feeds our anxieties, distorts reality and fuels the polarisation of society
Paris livre ses archives classifiées à la commission d’historiens des deux pays chargée de « faire la lumière » sur le rôle de la France dans la violente répression ayant visé les indépendantistes puis l’opposition au Cameroun avant et après son indépendance.
Sur les réseaux sociaux et même dans la vie réelle, la haine peut se déverser à grande échelle chez certains enfants. Et selon un expert indépendant des Nations Unies, la cyberintimidation reste un phénomène bien réel qui touche environ un enfant sur trois dans le monde.
Delegates of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee of the UN General Assembly welcomed the development of a global code of conduct for information integrity on digital platforms.
Birth registration is a fundamental human right, yet millions of children worldwide still lack this crucial documentation. Even though the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasizes immediate registration after birth, the reality on the ground is quite different.
Governments are meeting in Vienna this week to negotiate a global treaty on cybercrime. But instead of fostering cooperation in cybercrime, the treaty may end up facilitating cross-border repression and make it more difficult to investigate actual cybercrimes.
The Allied tribunal in postwar Tokyo was modelled on the one in Nuremberg. If the Nuremberg trial was questionable in some respects, the trial of Japanese wartime leaders in Tokyo was far more dubious. John Dower, the finest American historian of modern Japan, called the Tokyo trial “a murky reflection of its German counterpart.”
L'arrestation de Pinochet en 1998 a été un moment décisif pour la justice internationale mais aussi pour la justice au Chili. Aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, ses crimes continuent d'être jugés.
The Osage murders of the 1920s are just one episode in nearly two centuries of stealing land and resources from Native Americans. Much of this theft was guided and sanctioned by federal law.
We’re seeing ‘an assault’ on civil rights, reproductive rights, and LGBTQ rights, say human rights advocates. Companies need to know they have skin in the game.
Thousands of people were imprisoned and shot by the Franco dictatorship between 1939 and 1944. Their letters home form a moving memorial to their bravery
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