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L’exhumation des dépouilles de deux enfants autochtones s’amorce dans la communauté innue de Pessamit sur la Côte-Nord. L’opération délicate, qui s’inscrit dans la foulée d’une nouvelle loi québécoise, vise à élucider la disparition et la mort des poupons.
English River First Nation in Saskatchewan announced Tuesday it has discovered nearly 100 potential unmarked graves at the site of a former residential school.
Canadian-Algerian researcher among those sentenced for ‘publishing sensitive information’.
A CEREMONY has been held to prepare a “stolen” 37ft memorial totem pole for its return to Canada from Scotland in what is said to be the first transfer of its kind from a UK institution.
"Huge congratulations to the U.S. members who made this call from the delegation, and to all those who have fought like hell to declassify these files and bring justice for the bloody crimes of September 1973."
Cases of abuse and killings involving minors will now be open to further scrutiny after decades of campaigning.
En décembre 2021, la France avait ouvert, avec quinze ans d’avance sur le délai légal, ses archives judiciaires liées à la guerre. En pratique, l’accès à ces documents restait difficile pour les familles et les chercheurs.
The apology by family of William Gladstone comes as many descendants of African slaves have sought reparations.
A memorial totem pole belonging to members of the Nisga'a Nation in northwestern British Columbia is about to begin its journey home from the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, where it has been on display for nearly a century.
Un totem commémoratif appartenant à la Nation Nisga’a s’apprête à commencer un voyage de rapatriement d’environ un mois de l’Écosse vers le nord-ouest de la Colombie-Britannique.
Los abusos sistemáticos a etíopes pueden constituir crímenes contra la humanidad
The "Ready-Or Not" project funded by the California State Library offers free, on-site emergency preparedness consultations. Consultants address specific organizational concerns and provide tailored assessments to help collections staff meet their preparedness goals. The first training sessions have been recorded and are freely available on-line. The upcoming sessions will also be made available on-line.
Traducción extraoficial de la declaración dada a conocer por la Oficina del Portavoz del Departamento de Estado.
Traducción extraoficial de la declaración dada a conocer por la Oficina del Portavoz del Departamento de Estado.
Guyana president Irfaan Ali on Thursday lashed out at the descendants of European slave traders, saying those who profited from the cruel, trans-Atlantic slave trade should offer to pay reparations to today’s generations.
A coalition advocating for Native people traumatized by an oppressive system of boarding schools for Native youths plans to digitize 20,000 archival pages related to schools in that system that were operated by the Quakers.
An audit found political staffers in the Ontario government allegedly deleted records and used personal emails during interactions with development lobbyists
Upcoming Events - How Should Societies Remember Their Sins? | Friday, October 27, 2023 | Los Angeles In-Person | Streaming Online | Attempts to confront difficult history appear to be dividing the United States and entangling communities in cultural and legal conflict. But historians, social justice activists, and many others argue that grappling with the sins of the past, and the way they reverberate into the present, is a necessary foundation for reimagining the future. What are the best...
An appeal hearing at a Moscow court on Tuesday (22 August) which has upheld the 13-year sentence imposed on Maksym Butkevych, a Ukrainian human rights defender, is a grave miscarriage of justice Amnesty International said today.
La vista de apelación celebrada en Moscú el martes (22 de agosto) ha confirmado la pena de 13 años de prisión impuesta al defensor ucraniano de los derechos humanos Maksym Butkevych, lo que representa un grave error de la justicia. Así lo ha afirmado hoy Amnistía Internacional.
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