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Logements insalubres ou surpeuplés, salaires de misère et heures supplémentaires non payées, lien de servitude avec l’employeur : le rapporteur spécial des Nations unies sur les formes contemporaines d’esclavage a été « perturbé » de constater les conditions dans lesquelles vivent les travailleurs étrangers temporaires au Canada.
The case studies in this report show the many ways community truth-telling initiatives in Australia are being realised and how these efforts contribute to reconciliation.
The UN human rights office (OHCHR) on Wednesday emphasized the pressing need for Sri Lanka to address its accountability deficit, ranging from war crimes to rights violations, corruption and abuse of power.
Remains pillaged in colonial era for ‘scientific’ experiments are DNA matched to Tanzanian descendants
Amnesty International strongly condemns the arrest and detention of human rights lawyers simply for discharging their functions.
Les autorités doivent respecter les normes internationales sur l’indépendance de la profession juridique et les droits à un procès équitable.
Records from the Department of Homeland Security show it sought to expand undercover operations online despite pushback from Facebook.
Return of items to Anindilyakwa community hailed as landmark example of cultural repatriation
Souvent réduites à un statut de victime ou instrumentalisées dans des discours de propagande, les femmes afghanes ont rarement l’occasion de s’exprimer en leur nom. Ce documentaire donne la parole à plusieurs femmes, âgées de 17 à 70 ans, issues de la ville, de la campagne, ou vivant en exil. Elles livrent leur récit intime mais aussi leur lecture des évènements qui jalonnent l’histoire afghane.
Dirigido a una amplia audiencia, este vídeo explica el funcionamiento del Tribunal, recuerda los desafíos a los que se enfrenta y demuestra el alcance de su actividad a través de ejemplos jurisprudenciales.
Recently, there has been a uproar on social media about the location of The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)’s World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) in 2024. Set to occur in Dubai. What is not talked about as much is the congress/conference of the International Council on Archives (ICA) in Abu Dhabi, the UAE capital, set for October 9 to October 13.
Les autorités libanaises s’attaquent de manière systématique aux droits fondamentaux des personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles, transgenres et intersexes (LGBTI), a déclaré aujourd’hui la Coalition pour la défense de la liberté d’expression au Liban, composée de quinze ONG dont HRW.
Lebanese authorities are systematically attacking the fundamental human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people, the Coalition to Defend Freedom of Expression in Lebanon, comprised of fifteen Lebanese and international organizations, said today.
The court declared that the government must establish a legal framework for recognizing same-sex partnerships, marking a significant milestone for LGBTQ+ rights in the city.
The value of the educational harm inflicted on my generation of Black students exceeds $2 trillion, writes Bettina L. Love.
Twitter is not the only platform inviting political adverts back, as tech giants from Meta to YouTube compete for marketing money and eyeballs.
The Prosecutor-General’s Office in the indictment said it has statements from 180 witnesses, including three experts, and has submitted more than 900 pieces of evidence.
Members of the African diaspora continue to face immense challenges participating in public life in many countries, the UN human rights office (OHCHR) said in a new report on Tuesday.
Slovak voted on 30 September, the first to take place since the EU's DSA enforcement which obliges social media platforms to combat electoral manipulation.
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