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Ils sont les peuples autochtones. On les connaît aussi sous le nom de Pygmées. En Afrique centrale, ce sont les gardiens de l’immense forêt du bassin du Congo. Mais aujourd’hui, ils font face à deux problèmes majeurs, la déforestation et la création d’aires protégées, auxquelles ils n’ont plus accès. Au Cameroun, Estelle Ewoulé Lobé se mobilise en leur faveur.
Les évêques catholiques américains ont reconnu vendredi leur rôle dans « les traumatismes » infligés aux Autochtones et présenté leurs excuses, notamment concernant les enfants retirés de leurs familles pour être assimilés de force dans des pensionnats.
When I served as dramaturg for the Los Angeles-based Center Theatre Group's reading of "The Trial of the Catonsville Nine" by Fr. Daniel Berrigan, I didn't expect how profound the experience would be for my Catholicism.
Some 300 black people were killed in the 1921 massacre - but nobody has been held responsible. Survivors of one of the biggest race massacres in US history have consequently lost their historic legal bid for reparations over the attack.
We may like or dislike the results of the European elections, but we can safely say that no major incidents involving propaganda and disinformation took place in the days of 6-9 June, which amounts to a victory for those who are busy countering this threat.
As the war in Gaza rages, causing unprecedented death and destruction, telling its story is a moral imperative. Preserving images from Gaza matters more than ever. Not just to document the spiraling humanitarian tragedy right now but also to preserve it for posterity.
Amid rising unemployment, inflation and poverty in the 1830s, Philadelphia taxpayers believed welfare scammers were bleeding coffers dry. Poor lists from 1829 show they were wrong.
An inside account of one Luiseño tribe's history and their efforts to be recognized by the United States. In Unrecognized in California, Olivia M. Chilcote, member of the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians of San Diego County, demonstrates how the state's colonial history is foundational to the ongoing crisis over tribal legal status.
XOCHIMILCO, Mexico — In the 70 years Miguel del Valle has worked on his family’s chinampa in Xochimilco, a neighborhood in the south of Mexico City, he has witnessed a huge change in the environment and the attitudes of his neighbors. “Xochimilco was always famous for its vegetables and flowers,” the 80-year-old farmer.
HDX is an integral platform for the humanitarian data community: 206 organizations are sharing over 20,000 datasets, covering every active humanitarian crisis, with users in 230 countries and territories.
“This photograph was never meant to be a precious artifact.” That is the first line in historian Elyse Semerdjian’s Remnants: Embodied Archives of the Armenian Genocide, a 300-page ground-breaking, corpse-gathering mission to re-member the dis-membered.
Les 253 personnes inculpées par les tribunaux de l'ONU pour des crimes de guerre, des crimes contre l'humanité et des génocides commis il y a plusieurs décennies au Rwanda et en ex-Yougoslavie ont toutes été retrouvées, a été informé le Conseil de sécurité mardi.
Removal of abortion-related content on social media platforms with inadequate or unclear justification can contribute to the increasing challenges in accessing abortion care and threatens the right to health and bodily autonomy, according to a new briefing from Amnesty International. In Obstacles to Autonomy: Post-Roe Removal of Abortion Information Online, Amnesty International reveals that social […]
The Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) launched a campaign on Tuesday to address the unfolding crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan, amid the going war between rival military forces that erupted last April.
All of the 253 people indicted by UN tribunals for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed decades ago in Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia, have now been accounted for, the Security Council heard on Tuesday. |
The personal photos of Brazilian children are being used to create powerful artificial intelligence (AI) tools without the children’s knowledge or consent.
Las fotos personales de infantes brasileños son utilizadas para crear potentes herramientas de inteligencia artificial (IA) sin conocimiento ni consentimiento de ellos.
Girls and young women who escaped Boko Haram captivity in north-east Nigeria faced further suffering, including sometimes in unlawful military detention, and are now receiving inadequate support as they attempt to rebuild their lives, Amnesty International said in a new report. ‘Help us build our lives’: Girl survivors of Boko Haram and military abuses in […]
Des filles et des jeunes femmes ayant échappé à Boko Haram, qui les maintenait captives dans le nord-est du Nigeria, se sont heurtées à de nouvelles souffrances, y compris, dans certains cas, à un maintien en détention illégale par l’armée, et reçoivent désormais un soutien inadapté alors qu’elles tentent de reconstruire leur vie, a établi Amnesty International dans un nouveau rapport. Intitulé « Aidez-nous à construire notre vie » : les rescapées des atteintes aux droits humains commises...
Las niñas y mujeres jóvenes que escaparon del cautiverio de Boko Haram en el noreste de Nigeria tuvieron que soportar aún más sufrimiento, algunas incluso detención militar ilegítima, y ahora que intentar rehacer su vida no reciben apoyo suficiente; así lo afirma Amnistía Internacional en un nuevo informe. El informe, ‘Help us build our lives’: Girl survivors of Boko Haram and military abuses in north-east Nigeria, investiga cómo estas niñas sobrevivieron a la trata y los crímenes de lesa...
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