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Salle à guichets fermés, ovation debout. Il ne manquait que le tapis rouge, à Montréal la semaine dernière, pour accueillir Oleksandra Matviïtchouk, la patronne du Centre pour les libertés civiles de Kyiv et l’une des lauréates du prix Nobel de la paix de 2022.
Les forces de sécurité de la Malaisie ont détruit près de 140 habitations d’une communauté autochtone vivant sur le littoral de l’État de Sabah dans l’île de Bornéo, dans le cadre d’une opération de « répression de la criminalité ». Pour l’ONG locale de défense des droits humains Pusat KOMAS, les Bajau Laut « font l’objet d’une discrimination systémique ». « Leur déplacement forcé soulève de sérieuses questions quant au traitement équitable des minorités ethniques en Malaisie.
Many victim-survivors and scholars say ‘sex slaves’ more accurately describes the abuses the women endured, but governments have been slow to change their view.
The Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) has launched the nation’s first online records repository and research tool for Indian boarding school records. The database, called The National Indian Boarding School Digital Archive (NIBSDA), was nearly five years in the making, and contains records collected from National Archives in Seattle and Kansas City, Mo. Those records contain case files, administrative records, enrollment registers, and health information about Native...
Official says no sign of permit in Ottoman archives, in blow to British Museum, which defends legal right to statuary
The National Security Ministry's legal team is reviewing existing legislation to determine whether it allows for wider sharing of information on convicted sex offenders.
Afrique, mémoires d’un continent remonte à nouveau dans le temps, plus précisément à partir du VIIème siècle, et suit les caravanes traversant le Sahara avec des convois d’esclaves. Quand cette pratique a-t-elle véritablement débuté dans les pays d’Afrique du Nord ? Comment a-t-elle façonné les sociétés maghrébines ? Pour quelles raisons l’esclavage dans les sphères musulmanes est parfois mis en opposition avec la traite transatlantique ?
Textes, photos, commentaires, stories… Les contenus publiés par les internautes européens seront bientôt utilisés par l’entreprise pour entraîner ses programmes d’intelligence artificielle. Il est possible, théoriquement, de s’y opposer.
The cleaning industry across Europe is increasingly under scrutiny for its treatment of employees and disregard for the European standard of fair labour laws. A six-month-long investigation into the European cleaning industry shed light on a complex network across Europe and exploitative business practices.
Tech firm earlier committed to storing less data about individuals in response to privacy concerns
Native Title, a legal recognition of Aboriginal rights over an area, is set to cover 60 per cent of Australia's landmass in the next 15 years.
Disruption has affected wider range of health providers than first thought, including GPs and community and mental health services
Alors qu'a éclaté une polémique sur la restitution à l’Algérie par la France de biens qu'elle réclame depuis des années, nous avons interrogé Sébastien Ledoux et Paul Max Morin, auteurs du récent « L'Algérie de Macron : les impasses d'une politique mémorielle » (PUF).
Taiwan is the target of more disinformation from abroad than any other democracy.
The Israel State Archives – a unit within the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) – is for the first time revealing to the general public 10,189 population files of Jerusalem residents from 1948, which were collected by the “People’s Guard’ in Jerusalem during the War of Independence.
The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) released a new report that highlights alarming levels of child food poverty due to inequity, conflict, and climate crises. |
As communities across the planet celebrated World Environment Day on 5 June, we are taking you back to the 1950s when broadcaster extraordinaire Sir David Attenborough went from zoologist to climate activist, winning the UN’s highest environmental award. |
In early May 2022, Russian forces fired a munition that struck a museum complex including the final home of the 18th-century Ukrainian philosopher and poet Hryhorii Skovoroda. The attack sparked a fire that raged for nearly nine hours. By the time the blaze was extinguished, almost all that remained were scorched walls and a pockmarked statue of the national figure.
En 10 ans à la tête de l’Inde, Narendra Modi a mis en œuvre une politique très hostile aux musulmans, qui constituent quelque 15 % de la population.
Archivists at the University of Houston have saved decades-worth of episodes of local LGBT radio shows that started in the 1970s. Together they tell the story of a complex, diverse community.
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