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On 4 July, the Human Rights Council will hear a report providing recommendations for protocol and standard settings in new technologies. We speak to the head of the team engaging with business and pushing for greater awareness of human rights implications from the fast-evolving sector.
The amaBhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism draws its name from the Zulu word for dung beetle -- a diligent species that fulfils a crucial role. The tiny South African non-profit specialises in delving into political corruption -- "digging dung and fertilizing democracy," its editor-in-chief, Sam Sole, said with a chuckle in a recent interview with AFP.
Cette restitution a permis de récupérer les dépouilles de près de 900 autochtones.
The Human Rights Commission's Claire Charters (pictured in 2021) said the data painted a dire picture of the upholding of Māori civil rights.
Los servicios de inteligencia estadounidenses se dividen entre las dos hipótesis de forma no concluyente, pero descartan que el virus se crease como arma biológica
Jack Smith avanza en paralelo en la investigación por intentar aferrarse al poder mediante listas de falsos electores
Il y a 20 ans, lorsque l’actrice Marie Trintignant a succombé aux coups infligés par son amant, le chanteur du groupe Noir désir Bertrand Cantat, personne n’utilisait encore le mot féminicide. La journaliste musicale au magazine français Le Point qui signe cet essai, Anne-Sophie Jahn, était adolescente à l’époque et n’avait pas suivi l’affaire avec attention.
Los países miembros aprueban de forma unánime una resolución, a la que finalmente se sumó la delegación brasileña, que rechaza “la represión y la opresión persistente” en Nicaragua
Más de 25 millones de mujeres de entre 15 y 44 años, en torno a dos de cada cinco, viven en Estados en los que las condiciones para interrumpir el embarazo se han endurecido
En un fallo considerado como histórico, la Segunda Sala Penal de la Corte Suprema de Justicia condenó a los exjefes de la DINA Juan Hernán Morales y Pedro Octavio Espinoza y otros 35 acusados.
A report offers a blueprint for fixing Indigenous overrepresentation in jails.
El Parlamento alemán aprueba la nueva ley de inmigración con la que quiere paliar su preocupante escasez de mano de obra
The National Railway Museum is interviewing LGBTQ+ railway workers for an oral history project.
Arizona v. Navajo Nation is the final federal Indian law case to be ruled on by the high court this term
As Guatemalans head to the polls on Sunday, decades of struggle for justice for atrocities committed during the civil war hang in the balance. Paulo Estrada Velásquez was one year and 20 days old when his father went missing on 19 May 1984 in Guatemala. No more than a month later, his uncle would also vanish. They were both members of Guatemala’s communist party, Partido Guatemalteco del Trabajo, and two of around 40,000 people who were forcibly disappeared during Guatemala’s civil war.
Transitional justice contributed greatly to the peace which Sierra Leone has experienced in the last two decades.
Between 1948 and 1996, about 16,500 people were operated on without their consent under a eugenics law, triggering long campaign for redress.
La Fédération internationale des associations et institutions de bibliothèques (IFLA) organise chaque année son World Library and Information Congress, événement international tourné vers les professions de l'information et de la documentation. Ce 19 juin, le choix de Dubaï pour l'édition 2024 n'a pas convaincu les foules, au vu de la réputation des Émirats arabes unis en matière de droits humains.
One by one, the 10 women, mostly aged under 30, went defiantly to their deaths by hanging in a city square in Shiraz in southern Iran. The youngest was only 17 years old.
It’s a federal crime to sell art that is falsely marketed as created by an Alaska Native or tribal citizen
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Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2023 (147)
Between 2020 and 2025
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