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The bombing and shelling of cities and towns during armed conflict has devastating consequences for cultural heritage and civilians.
Human Rights Watch announced that it is releasing a series of archives highlighting the extraordinary efforts of human rights defenders in Rwanda and abroad, to warn about the planned 1994 genocide and attempt to stop the killings.
Human Rights Watch a annoncé la publication d’une série d’archives témoignant des efforts extraordinaires déployés par des défenseurs des droits humains au Rwanda et à l’étranger pour lancer l’alerte au sujet du génocide planifié de 1994, et tenter d’arrêter les massacres.
Dix ans après l'enlèvement de plus de 200 écolières à Chibok, au Nigeria, les autorités de ce pays ne sont toujours pas parvenues à mettre en place et à maintenir des mesures cruciales pour créer un environnement scolaire sûr pour chaque enfant.
Ten years after the abduction of over 200 schoolgirls in Chibok, Nigerian authorities have failed to put in place and sustain crucial measures to provide a secure learning environment for every child.
Les attaques menées par les Forces de soutien rapide (RSF) et des milices alliées à El Geneina, capitale du Darfour occidental au Soudan, entre avril et novembre 2023, ont fait plusieurs milliers de morts et provoqué le déplacement de centaines de milliers de personnes
Attacks by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and allied militias in El Geneina, the capital city of Sudan’s West Darfur state, from April to November 2023, killed at least thousands of people and left hundreds of thousands as refugees.
An armed group linked to the Islamic State (ISIS) in northern Mozambique used boys as young as 13 to raid and loot the town of Macomia, in Cabo Delgado province, on May 10, 2024.
A Swiss court’s conviction of the former Gambian Interior Minister Ousman Sonko for crimes against humanity is monumental for Gambian victims of atrocity crimes during the rule of Yahya Jammeh. The verdict is a major achievement for Switzerland’s efforts to hold accountable those responsible for grave crimes committed abroad.
Belarusian authorities have unrolled systematic and widespread repression targeting lawyers who represent clients in politically motivated cases or who shed light on rights abuses, Human Rights Watch, the Belarusian Association of Human Rights Lawyers, and the Right to Defence Project said in a report released today.
Les autorités biélorusses exercent une répression systématique contre des avocats qui représentent des clients dans des affaires à caractère politique et/ou qui dénoncent des violations des droits humains, selon un nouveau rapport conjointement publié par Human Rights Watch et deux organisations biélorusses.
(Jakarta)—Indonesian authorities should immediately and unconditionally release four people detained in Aceh under a local ordinance that criminalizes same-sex conduct.
This 69-page report shows how the travel policies of both countries infringe upon the internationally recognized right to freedom of movement, which includes the right to leave and return to one's own country. In the case of parents and children forced to reside in different countries, the policies also violate the international prohibition on the involuntary separation of families.
President Barack Obama’s endorsement of Senegal’sefforts to bring to book the former Chadiandictator Hissène Habré is a recognition of the case’s importance for African justice.
The United States and France were well aware of Hissène Habré’s brutal record, and yet continued to support him throughout his rule. Both countries should examine how and why they supported a man convicted of crimes against humanity.
Le rapport décrit comment la France a apporté une aide cruciale à Hissène Habré dans sa prise de pouvoir au Tchad, alors même qu’il était déjà évident qu’il utilisait des méthodes d'une extrême brutalité.
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (8)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (3)
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