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Countries must address the “grave global harm” caused by the proliferation of hate and lies online, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Monday, launching a key report designed to shore up information integrity on digital platforms.
Les pays doivent s'attaquer au « grave préjudice mondial » causé par la prolifération de la haine et des mensonges en ligne, a déclaré lundi le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, António Guterres, lors du lancement d'un rapport clé conçu pour renforcer l'intégrité de l'information sur les plateformes numériques.
Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered spyware and disinformation is on the rise, and regulation of the space has become urgent, according to UN-appointed independent rights experts.
For Valdecir Nascimento, 63, the Black movement in Brazil was a “turning point” for her as a young woman, leading her from the revolutionary stilt houses in Alagados, to joining more than 1,000 participants last week at UN Headquarters for the second session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent.
The pointe shoes were a testament to unfulfilled hopes. They belonged to a young ballet dancer from Bosnia and Herzegovina whose life was forever changed by the brutal conflict that broke out in the heart of Europe at the end of the 20th century and were on display at UN Headquarters in New York to educate visitors about the horrors of war and genocide.
Las zapatillas de punta eran un testimonio de esperanzas incumplidas. Pertenecían a una joven bailarina de ballet de Bosnia y Herzegovina cuya vida cambió para siempre por el brutal conflicto que estalló en el corazón de Europa a finales del siglo XX. Se expusieron en la sede de la ONU en Nueva York para educar a los visitantes sobre los horrores de la guerra y el genocidio.
Les chaussons de danse témoignent d'espoirs insatisfaits. Ils appartenaient à une jeune danseuse de ballet de Bosnie-Herzégovine dont la vie a été changée à jamais par le conflit brutal qui a éclaté au cœur de l'Europe à la fin du XXe siècle et qui ont été exposés au siège de l'ONU à New York pour éduquer les visiteurs sur les horreurs de la guerre et du génocide.
With smartphones, editing apps, and innovative approaches, some UN peacekeeping operations across the world are building a “digital army” aimed at combating mis- and disinformation on social media networks and beyond.
Tres expertas de la ONU denuncian los brutales ataques a dos defensoras de las garantías fundamentales inscritas en el mecanismo de protección que otorga el país a esas personas. Las agresiones ocurrieron en marzo y mayo pasados y aún continúan las investigaciones. Las relatoras instan al gobierno mexicano a garantizar la seguridad de quienes trabajan en favor de los derechos humanos.
A group of UN independent human rights experts on Wednesday urged the Government of Mexico to investigate and prosecute those who attack and kill women activists searching for their missing relatives. |
Un mécanisme d’enquête de l’ONU a annoncé mardi disposer de solides preuves d’une « hausse spectaculaire » des crimes de guerre et contre l’humanité au Myanmar.
The Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM) on Tuesday revealed compelling evidence of the country’s military and affiliate militias engaging in more frequent and audacious war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Expertos en derechos humanos de la ONU* declararon este jueves que el gobierno chino debe proporcionar información sobre nueve defensores tibetanos de los derechos humanos medioambientales que cumplen penas de prisión de hasta 11 años.
Le gouvernement chinois doit fournir des informations sur neuf défenseurs des droits humains tibétains qui purgent des peines de prison allant jusqu’à 11 ans, ont indiqué jeudi des experts indépendants des Nations Unies.
UN-appointed independent rights experts have called on the Chinese Government to provide information about nine Tibetan human rights defenders serving prisoner sentences of up to 11 years.
While aid workers serving conflict-affected civilian populations depend on a set of laws to protect them, some warring parties violate these global agreements, from targeting hospitals and schools to blocking aid workers from reaching civilians with lifesaving goods and services.
The UN-appointed expert on freedom of opinion and expression has called for governments to strengthen efforts to close the “digital divide” and remove all barriers to the right to information.
Historic audio recordings covering the recent history of Somalia are being preserved for future generations thanks to UN support.
The UN Security Council on Monday passed a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan, the immediate and unconditional release of hostages and "the urgent need to expand the flow" of aid into Gaza. There were 14 votes in favour with the United States abstaining.
Daily attacks by the Russian military in Ukraine have damaged dozens of towns and villages in the south and east of the country but also in central areas - including the city of Dnipro, which was shelled again early this Friday, UN humanitarians said.
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