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Senate Committee provides little pushback on Catholic representatives over residential school documents

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Senate Committee provides little pushback on Catholic representatives over residential school documents
A Canadian Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples may have been shocked two weeks ago when witnesses told them about the difficulties they were having in accessing Catholic Church records for children who attended Indian residential schools.
14/11/2023, 01:37
Religious Archives

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Pictured people include:

Archbishop Murray Chatlain of the Archdiocese of Keewatin-Le Pas, Father Velichor Abaranam Jerome, general archivist of the General House in Rome, and Father Warren Brown, representative of the OMI general administration.

_The Senate Committee dismissed as a “misunderstanding” previous testimony from Raymond Frogner, head archivist at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation NCTR), when Brown said it was the first time he was made aware of claims by Frogner that when he was in Rome he was unable to copy personnel records of at least 12 oblate priests convicted of crimes against children at the schools

When asked by Senator Scott Tannas of Alberta if those privacy laws could present an issue, Jerome said, “Each time we do any (records) activities, we do consultation with the lawyer to see whether there are any laws preventing (disclosure). So far, we have not come across any difficulties.”

Jerome noted that privacy laws were stricter in the European Union, where the Rome facility is located.

This is about getting documents from Rome to investigate child abuse.

Narine, S. (2023, November 7). Senate Committee provides little pushback on Catholic representatives over residential school documents. Windspeaker.Com. https://windspeaker.com/news/windspeaker-news/senate-committee-provides-little-pushback-catholic-representatives-over