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The international community can creatively and aggressively address deadly conflict through mediation, arbitration, and the development of international institutions to promote reconciliation. The editors of this book designed a systematic framework with which contributors compare third party intervention in twelve conflicts of the postDCold War period. They examine the role of international organizations_the United Nations, international development banks, and international law...
Die »Tschekisten« der DDR hatten geschworen, die SED-Herrschaft unter Einsatz ihres Lebens zu verteidigen. Doch statt ein letzte Schlacht zu schlagen, zogen sie sich im Herbst 1989 eher kopflos zurück und stellten sich wenig später geduldig um ihre Entlastungspapiere an. Was war mit ihnen geschehen? Wie haben die Offiziere die Situation damals wahrgenommen, welche Taktiken entwickelten sie und welche Aufgabe war den offiziellen Mitarbeitern in der Bürgerrechtsbewegung zugedacht? Walter Süß...
Bassiouni, M. (1999). Crimes Against Humanity in International Criminal Law (1st edition). Springer.
In this revised edition, Professor Bassiouni persuasively establishes the legal validity of the Nuremberg Charter and describes the evolution of crimes against humanity' from 1945 to the 1998 ICC Statute. The book's comprehensive historical and legal analysis starts with the origins of this crime in the international regulation of armed conflicts and covers the Nuremberg, Tokyo and Allied Prosecutions after World War II, and subsequent national prosecutions, as well as the Statutes of the...
Leading scholars, activists, and political leaders on being victim's of the world's worst atrocities"How much compensation ought to be paid to a woman who was raped 7,500 times? What would the members of the Commission want for their daughters if their daughters had been raped even once?"?Karen Parker, speaking before the U.N. Commission on Human RightsSeemingly every week, a new question arises relative to the current worldwide ferment over human injustices. Why does the U.S. offer $20,000...
Against the backdrop of one of the great transformations of our century, the sudden and unexpected fall of communism as a ruling system, Charles Maier recounts the history and demise of East Germany. Dissolution is his poignant, analytically provocative account of the decline and fall of the late German Democratic Republic. This book explains the powerful causes for the disintegration of German communism as it constructs the complex history of the GDR. Maier looks at the turning points in...
Since the early 1990s, Michael Ignatieff has traveled the world's war zones, from Bosnia to the West Bank, from Afghanistan to central Africa. The Warrior's Honor is a report and a reflection on what he has seen in the places where ethnic war has become a way of life. Ignatieff charts the rise of the new moral interventionists--the relief workers, reporters, delegates, and diplomats who believe that other people's misery is of concern to us all. And he brings us face-to-face with the new...
Le premier tome de ces Mémoires esquissait le portrait d’une enfance, d’une jeunesse dominée par la disparition à Auschwitz des parents, Margot et Lucien.Ce second volume raconte la vie d’un homme pleinement engagé dans ses travaux universitaires et dans l’actualité de son temps et de ses conflits.Voici le récit d’une quête acharnée et quotidienne de la clarté, d’une volonté permanente de chercher et de dire la vérité et la justice dans un monde trouble et confus. On verra ainsi défiler...
Winner, A Choice Outstanding Academic BookFrom 1964 until 1985, Brazil was ruled by a military regime that sanctioned the systematic use of torture in dealing with its political opponents. The catalog of what went on during that grim period was originally published in Portuguese as Brasil: Nunca Mais (Brazil: Never Again) in 1985.The volume was based on the official documentation kept by the very military that perpetrated the horrific acts. These extensive documents include military court...
text in Spanish
Avant même l'ouverture du procès, la cause semble entendue : Maurice Papon, secrétaire général de la préfecture de la Gironde sous l'Occupation, est coupable. Mais, au fil des audiences, il devient bientôt clair que l'instruction, en quatorze ans, a été pour le moins mal faite ; que l'Histoire, celle des historiens cités à comparaître, est plus nuancée dans ses analyses des chaînes de responsabilité administrative ; que les témoignages des grands acteurs témoins de la Résistance divergent...
The Rainbow People Of God traces South Africa's glorious victory over apartheid in the writings and speeches of one its central figures, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. From the graveside of Steven Biko to the triumphant inauguration of Nelson Mandela as President of South Africa, Tutu's words and presence helped shape events and led South Africa toward justice and freedom. This astonishing tapestry of narrative is not only a valuable historical document of those significant events, but it also...
Dividing the century into the Age of Catastrophe, 1914–1950, the Golden Age, 1950–1973, and the Landslide, 1973–1991, Hobsbawm marshals a vast array of data into a volume of unparalleled inclusiveness, vibrancy, and insight, a work that ranks with his classics The Age of Empire and The Age of Revolution. In the short century between 1914 and 1991, the world has been convulsed by two global wars that swept away millions of lives and entire systems of government. Communism became a...
First Published in 2017. This book contains Deletant's research and view that an inescapable feature of life in Romania under Ceausescu was the ubiquity of the Securitate or the security police, known officially for much of the period as the Department of State Security of the Ministry of the Interior. He seeks to right the omission in Romanian literature, until now, of the mechanism of terror which Stalin used in Romania to enforce his will and about the organisation of the Department of State Security.
Includes over 100 laws, regulations and decrees, constitutional provisions, judicial decisions, reports of official, commissions of inquiry, and treaty excerpts from 28 countries and from international organizations.
The first of three projected volumes of Humphrey's diaries, Volume 1 (1948-49) covers the meetings in Geneva and Paris leading to the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (of which Humphrey had prepared the first draft); the daily activities of the UN Secretariat in Lake Success, N.Y.; and his visit to Strasbourg for the first Council of Europe. Humphrey details his interactions with international officials such as Trygve Lie and Henri Laugier, national representatives,...
Between 1974 and 1990 more than thirty countries in southern Europe, Latin America, East Asia, and Eastern Europe shifted from authoritarian to democratic systems of government. This global democratic revolution is probably the most important political trend in the late twentieth century. In The Third Wave, Samuel P. Huntington analyzes the causes and nature of these democratic transitions, evaluates the prospects for stability of the new democracies, and explores the possibility of more...