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Kingdom’s justice ministry announces move to ‘protect the rights of the woman’, ending practice of only supplying document to husbands
Refworld is the leading source of information necessary for taking quality decisions on refugee status. Refworld contains a vast collection of reports relating to situations in countries of origin, policy documents and positions, and documents relating to international and national legal frameworks. The information has been carefully selected and compiled from UNHCR's global network of field offices, Governments, international, regional and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and judicial bodies.
The role of testimony and documentation is crucial to human rights work in transitional contexts. Such evidence is vital in societies seeking to deal with a pas
Nunca más por (CONADEP), Comisión Nacional s. ISBN: 9789502325705 - Tema: DERECHOS HUMANOS - Editorial: EUDEBA - La Conadep fue creada por el Poder Ejecutivo Nacional en diciembre de 1983 con el o..Eudeba - Av Rivadavia 1573, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: +54 11 4383 8025 Mail:
"The report, 'Enabling a Dictator: The United States and Chad's Hissène Habré 1982-1990s,' describes how France, and especially the United States, were pivotal in bringing Habré to power, although signs of his brutality were already evident. The two countries saw Habré as a bulwark against the expansionist designs of Libyas Muammar Gaddafi, whose forces were occupying northern Chad. Human Rights Watch details how both the United States and France continued to provide Habrés government with...
O prima monografie a Securitatii in primele ei doua decenii de existenta volumul sintetizeaza cercetarile intreprinse de istoricul Marius Oprea specializat in investigarea activitatii fostei politii politice comuniste din Romania. Bastionul cruzimii prezinta intr-o riguroasa documentare stiintifica adevarata fata a Securitatii: de la organizarea interna la modul de derulare a anchetelor de la legislatia cu caracter represiv la torturile si crimele acesteia fara sa omita locul aparatului...
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is one of the world's best-known and most translated documents. When it was presented to the United Nations General Assembly in December in 1948, Eleanor Roosevelt, chair of the writing group, called it a new "Magna Carta for all mankind." The passage of time has shown Roosevelt to have been largely correct in her prediction as to the declaration's importance. No other document in the world today can claim a comparable standing in the international...
This article proposes a new definition of social justice that is based in liberation theology. It questions the relationship between archival practice and social justice and asks how (and whether) social justice can (or should be) a transformative force in the archival profession. These theoretical questions are examined through a case study of human rights archives. The author travelled to Chile in December 2011 to interview archivists and human rights activists and visit human rights...
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