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Jews in France suffered a double persecution: one led by the Vichy government, the other imposed by the Nazis. Meanwhile, a propaganda war developed between the Resistance and the official voice of Vichy. The author draws on a array of sources to show how the Resistance both fought and accommodated the deeply entrenched antisemitism within French society.
Contre les fake news, la désinformation à grande échelle, les Archives semblent un rempart essentiel. Conserver et garantir l’accès à des informations vérifiées, fiables, devient un réel enjeu démocratique
World War II produced a fundamental shift in modern racial discourse putting racism at the center of international political life, and race's status as conceptual common sense and a justification for colonial rule was challenged with new intensity. In response to this crisis of race, the UN and UNESCO initiated a project of racial reeducation. Drawing on UNESCO's rich archival resources and shifting between the scientific, social scientific, literary, and cultural, Thakkar offers new...
Des pièces d’archives choisies et commentées composent un récit vivant qui nous fait redécouvrir la France contestataire du début des années 1970, dont les échos résonnent avec force cinquante ans plus tard.
Political conflict in many parts of the world has been shaped by notions of who rightfully belongs to a place. The concept of autochthony—that a true, original people are born of a land and belong to it above all others—has animated struggles across postcolonial Africa.
Antonio González Quintana y Perrine Canavaggio presentarán la versión en español de la obra colectiva que coordinaron con Jens Boel y que Routledge publicó en inglés en 2021. Archivos y Derechos Humanos, Una perspectiva mundial. Editorial Trea, marzo de 2023 El libro muestra la estrecha relación entre los derechos humanos y los archivos, los cuales juegan un papel crucial en la provisión de pruebas y en la vigencia de los principios del derecho a la verdad, la justicia y la reparación. Se...
Mauricio Katz/Catherine Romero: Los archivos de la Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia: Desafíos y Logros Mauricio Katz y Catherine Romero presentarán la historia de cómo se cerraron y se entregaron los archivos de la Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia. Esto con la intención de informarle al público dónde se encuentran hoy los archivos para su consulta, investigación, apropiación y otros usos como parte de una primera medida de reparación individual y colectiva del derecho a la verdad y no...
"Mario Polanco, Director del GAM: Los archivos de las víctimas: el Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo (GAM) de Guatemala El Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo surge a inicios de 1984 y durante 40 años ha trabajado acompañando a víctimas y familiares de la práctica de desaparición forzada de personas ocurridas en Guatemala. Además, ha trabajado en favor de los derechos humanos, la transparencia y el fortalecimiento del Estado de Derecho. Creado y articulado por esposas, hermanas, hijas, madres y otros familiares de...
"Killers of the Flower Moon" executive producer Marianne Bower talks about her decades-long role as Martin Scorsese's researcher and archivist and what it meant for the director's newest film.
US President Biden issued an Executive Order establishing new standards for AI safety and security, protecting Americans’ privacy, advancing equity and civil rights, standing up for consumers and workers, promoting innovation and competition.
Indigenous idendity - Investigation by CBC revealed details that contradict the songwriter's claims to Indigenous ancestry but Acting chief of Piapot First Nation says "When it comes to Buffy specifically we can't pick and choose which part of our culture we decide to adhere to.… We do have one of our families in our community that did adopt her. Regardless of her ancestry, that adoption in our culture to us is legitimate."
Les entreprises qui gèrent les réseaux sociaux doivent de toute urgence s’attaquer à la vague de haine et de racisme qui déferle en ligne contre les communautés palestinienne et juive, a déclaré Amnesty International
Social media companies must urgently address the fanning of online hate and racism against Palestinian and Jewish communities, Amnesty International said as the conflict in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories escalates further
Más de 200.000 menores habrían sufrido abusos sexuales por parte de religiosos católicos desde 1940, según un primer gran informe independiente sobre este flagelo divulgado el viernes en España, donde por años las víctimas denunciaron opacidad de la Iglesia católica.
Une commission indépendante espagnole a révélé que plus de 200 000 personnes auraient été victimes d'agressions sexuelles de la part de religieux alors qu'elles étaient mineures.
Over 200,000 minors are estimated to have been sexually abused in Spain by the Roman Catholic clergy since 1940, according to an independent commission.
Indigenous idendity - Late 2022, CBC received a tip that Sainte-Marie is not of Cree ancestry but, in fact, has European roots. She is the latest high-profile public figure whose ancestry story has been contradicted by genealogical documentation - the latest chapter in the complex and growing debate around Indigenous identity in Canada.
The fog of war is driving the spread of hate and lies online — resulting in dangerous errors with real-time, real-world consequences. The case for information integrity has rarely been more compelling, or more urgent.
Western University Libraries (London, Ontario, Canada) is contributing to Surviving Memory in Postwar El Salvador by capturing the history of Salvadoran Civil War
Music icon Buffy Sainte-Marie’s claims to Indigenous ancestry are being called into question by family members and a Fifth Estate investigation that includes genealogical documentation, historical research and personal accounts. The Fifth Estate examines the harms of “pretendians” — those faking Indigenous heritage.
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