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A la recherche des disparus de la Seconde Guerre mondiale : un parcours du combattant dans les archives ; Parti à la recherche de son oncle, Edouard Kalifat, disparu en URSS à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l’auteur retrace les étapes successives d’un parcours solitaire qui l’a mené de ministères en centres d’archives russes et ukrainiens, en passant par l’appel à témoins et le recours aux medias. Devenu un usager des archives expérimenté, il explique les difficultés qu’il a...
Le Paraguay : la terreur racontée par elle-même. ; Gabriela Solís Azuaga présente dans cet article son témoignage vécu du stronisme, régime despotique du général Stroessner que le Paraguay a subi pendant 35 ans. Après avoir présenté brièvement le Paraguay et son histoire, l’auteur tente de définir ce régime, atypique à plus d’un titre. La découverte en 1992 des archives de la police politique du stronisme, archives dites de la terreur, a permis à certaines familles de connaître la vérité sur...
Entry into force: 3 May 2008, in accordance with article 45(1). Preamble (a) Recalling the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations which recognize the inherent dignity and worth and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Informit is an online service offering a wide range of database and full content publication products that deliver the vast majority of Australasian scholarly research to the education, research and business sectors. Informit encompasses online products: Informit Indexes, Informit Plus Text and Informit Collections.
This paper considers the relationship between memory and archives by exploring the concepts of individual and collective memory and by examining the processes involved with creating, capturing, storing, and retrieving memories. The author considers the metaphor of archives as memory and relates our perception of memory to our understanding of the creation, preservation, and use of records and archives. She demonstrates that individual and collective memory represent only a fragment of life...
Des incidents se sont produits, samedi, devant le siège de la Ligue, interdite d'accès aux militants, aux observateurs internationaux et aux journalistes.
This article contains a survey of ethical codes adopted by the Archives and Records Management (ARM) professional associations in Anglophone areas in the 1990s and notes that such codes are in effect standards to set beside other standards. The Museums Association code of ethics is compared, because it is aimed at institutions and not at individual professionals. It can be observed that institutional aims contain a strong ethical component. This is backed by procedural standards and...
The first part of this paper deals with truth, justice, memory and the role of archives. The record speaks with multiple voices through many intermediaries. Those intermediaries are the subject of the second part of the paper addressing the issue of connecting people's stories with public archives, using technologies for social navigation and ubiquitous computing which can transform archives into social spaces of memory.
The post-world war II German-Israeli reparations program is the largest, most comprehensive reparations program ever implemented. Traditionally, reparations were supported by the vanquished and were designed to compensate the victor for the damages caused during the war. The Wiedergutmachung (literally “making the good again”) program as it is called in Germany, or Shilumim (the payments) as Israelis usually prefer to refer to it, innovates in many areas and goes beyond this interstate...
Sixty-second session Item 17 of the provisional agenda
El artículo plantea que la emergencia de la memoria como preocupación cultural y política central de nuestras sociedades contemporáneas es un fenómeno mundial que atraviesa los más diversos espacios geográficos. El texto esboza algunas explicaciones sobre el por qué de esta intensa "obsesión memorialística", señalando, al mismo tiempo, algunas de sus paradojas. El artículo analiza, asimismo, cómo se produce la apertura de la memoria relativa al pasado reciente en algunos países de Europa y...
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