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This lecture by Justice Albie Sachs of the South African Constitutional Court recounts his “archive fever.” Archivaria asked Verne Harris of the Nelson Mandela Foundation to prepare a short introduction. RÉSUMÉCet exposé du juge Albie Sachs de la Cour constitutionnelle de l’Afrique du Sud (South African Constitutional Court) évoque sa « fièvre des archives ». Archivaria a demandé à Verne Harris de la Fondation Nelson Mandela de préparer une brève introduction.
This 69-page report shows how the travel policies of both countries infringe upon the internationally recognized right to freedom of movement, which includes the right to leave and return to one's own country. In the case of parents and children forced to reside in different countries, the policies also violate the international prohibition on the involuntary separation of families.
Adopted without a vote. See chap. XVII, E/CN.4/2005/L.10/Add.17
When looking at international criminal justice archival theory and practice, it is difficult to find many examples. There are the two current ad-hoc international criminal tribunals dealing with the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR) in The Hague, Netherlands and Arusha, Tanzania, respectively. Prior to 1993 one has to go back to the late 1940's and the Nuremberg and Tokyo War Crimes Trials. This article asks whether there is such a thing as international criminal justice archival...
En este articulo se desarrollará una descripción y análisis delpapel y el lugar que asumen los testimonios que reproduce el informe Nunca Más elaborado por la Comisión Nacional sobre la Desaparición de Personas en 1984 en torno a las desapariciones.Se intentará describir y analizar su contenido y forma, el tono deestas voces, las intervenciones que realiza la CONADEP sobre los mismos y las continuidades y rupturas que presentan con respecto al lugar que ocuparon en los discursos previos acerca de la desaparición de personas.
El Partido del Socialismo Democrático (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus), surgido de la descomposición interna del SED (Sozialistiscbe Einbeitspartei Deutschlands), es un caso relevante de adaptación de los partidos únicos en los regímenes comunistas a la democracia plurípar-tidista. Dadas las peculiaridades de la transición en la República Democrática de Alemania, acelerada por su rápida integración en la República Federal, el SED no tuvo la oportunidad de transformarse en una...
In the early 1990s, when Europe ceased to be divided in opposing political blocs, the Council of Europe concluded that access to archives was one of the key issues to be addressed in. order to fortify democracy throughout the continent. Intensive, in-depth preparation led to the drafting of Recommendation No. R (2000) 13 on a European Policy on Access to Archives, the first intergovernmental standard in this field.The recommendation is motivated by the ethical conviction that knowledge of...
The Soviet massacre of Polish prisoners of war at Katyn and in other camps in 1940 was one of the most notorious incidents of the Second World War. The truth about the massacres was long suppressed, both by the Soviet Union, and also by the United States and Britain who wished to hold together their wartime alliance with the Soviet Union. This informative book examines the details of this often overlooked event, shedding light on what took place especially in relation to the massacres at l
The theme of the 2003 CITRA conference concentrated on archives and human rights and the problems associated with the status, use and collection of such archives. It provided a global view of large-scale denial of human rights, and gave insight into different views and perceptions. In the UK the issue is less the mass denial of human rights, more the recurrent denial to individuals. How does the UK measure up in terms of trying to prevent the abuse of such rights? Will the implementation of...
Through a comparative analysis of Germany and Russia, this paper explores how participation in the memorialization process affects and reflects national identity formation in post‐totalitarian societies. These post‐totalitarian societies face the common problem of re‐presenting their national character as civic and democratic, in great part because their national identities were closely bound to oppressive regimes. Through a comparison of three memorial sites—Sachsenhausen concentration camp...
DAA Highlights key issues and lessons learned from the Organization's experiences in the promotion of justice and the rule of law in conflict and post-conflict societies. Provides details on i) strengthening the rule of law and transitional justice in the wake of conflict; ii) articulating a common language of justice for UN; iii) basing assistance on international norms and standards; iv) identifying the role of UN peace operations; v) assessing national needs and capacities; vi) supporting...
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