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The Census Bureau wants to use an annual survey to ask people over the age of 15 about their sexual orientation and gender identity. This data could help enforce civil rights laws.
Il y a cinquante ans, le mouvement indépendantiste bissau-guinéen, le PAIGC proclamait unilatéralement l'indépendance du pays. Des archives méconnues de la radio Liberté, surnommée à l’époque « la voix du PAIGC » permettent de revenir sur cet épisode.
Nobel Laureate and legendary Filipino-American investigative journalist Maria Ressa has been on the frontlines of the fight for democracy for decades. Ressa knows very well what happens when democracy is eroded and disinformation is rampant. And she knows how not to let it become routine and numbing. And just last week she was acquitted of a contrived tax evasion charge by a court in the Philippines. It's the latest victory, not just for Maria Ressa herself, but for her country's fight for press freedom.
Hace 10 años, la sentencia 168/13 le quitó la nacionalidad a cientos de miles de personas de ascendencia haitiana en República Dominicana. Hoy, la mayoría sigue en un limbo legal, sin posibilidades de regularizar su situación y en un clima de creciente persecución. Para entender este complejo escenario, conversamos con la corresponsal de Telesur Deisy Toussaint. Ella perdió su nacionalidad durante años por políticas anti-haitianas que preceden a la sentencia. Luego, la periodista Hogla...
Cette Cour suprême a rejeté le 21 septembre une proposition de loi qui visait à réduire la protection des terres ancestrales autochtones et à limiter la reconnaissance de nouvelles réserves.
Prince Alemayehu, who was taken to the UK aged seven, died at 18 after an unhappy upbringing.
Reporting on war crimes is essential in building the proof that opens the door to accountability, but it also goes further, by preserving and protecting a society’s memory and dignity.
Pour la première fois depuis la fin du régime franquiste en 1975, le parquet espagnol réclame une enquête sur les tortures subies par un syndicaliste pendant la dictature. Une position qui pourrait créer un précédent.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art on Tuesday announced it had transferred ownership of two antiquities to Yemen, but that the war-torn country had agreed to leave them in New York for safe-keeping.
For Marcos Cux — and thousands of other migrant children — working dangerous jobs that violate child-labor laws is the only American dream there is.
Thousands of individuals, predominantly from sub-Saharan Africa, have recently arrived on the small Italian island of Lampedusa, reigniting the discussion on the EU and European states' approach to handling…
The allegation that India was involved in the killing of a Sikh leader in Canada came after New Delhi had accused Western countries of inaction on secessionist groups.
The genocide, carried out by Germans between 1904 and 1908 when they controlled the colony of South West Africa, was directed at the Herero and Nama people of modern-day Namibia. Germans have grappled with issues around reparations for the Holocaust for decades, too few Germans even know what happened during colonial rule in Africa – a space overshadowed by the violent historic acts of France, Belgium, and the United Kingdom.
Ce bien est situé au sein du complexe de l'ancienne École de mécanique de la marine de Buenos Aires, dans l’ancien « Casino des Officiers ». Il fut le principal centre de détention secret de la marine argentine pendant la dictature civilo-militaire (1976-1983). Dans le cadre d'une stratégie nationale visant à détruire toute opposition au régime militaire, armée ou non violente, le bâtiment du « Casino des Officiers » de l'ESMA (Escuela Superior de Mecánica de la Armada) a été le lieu de...
This property is located within the complex of the Former Navy School of Mechanics in Buenos Aires, in the former Officers’ Quarters. This was the Argentine Navy’s principal secret detention centre during the civil-military dictatorship of 1976-1983. As part of a national strategy to destroy armed and nonviolent opposition to the military regime, the Officers' Quarters building at ESMA (Escuela Superior de Mecánica de la Armada) was used for holding captive opponents who had been abducted in...
Este predio se encuentra dentro del complejo de la Ex Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada en Buenos Aires, en el antiguo Cuartel de Oficiales. Este fue el principal centro secreto de detención de la Armada Argentina durante la dictadura cívico-militar de 1976-1983. Como parte de una estrategia nacional para destruir la oposición armada y no violenta al régimen militar, el edificio del Cuartel de Oficiales de la ESMA (Escuela Superior de Mecánica de la Armada) se utilizó para mantener cautivos a...
Le Parlement européen a adopté une résolution contre la « prostitution » le 14 septembre 2023, mais en a supprimé certaines des parties les plus préjudiciables, a déclaré Human Rights Watch aujourd'hui. Le Parlement a adopté un rapport non contraignant, intitulé Réglementation de la prostitution dans l’Union européenne : implications transfrontières et incidence sur l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes et les droits des femmes, tout en rejetant les appels à une approche à l’échelle...
El Parlamento Europeo aprobó el 14 de septiembre de 2023 una resolución contra la “prostitución”, pero eliminó algunas de sus partes más dañinas, dijo hoy Human Rights Watch. El Parlamento adoptó un informe no vinculante, Regulación de la prostitución en la Unión: repercusiones transfronterizas y consecuencias en la igualdad de género y los derechos de las mujeres, pero rechazó “los llamados a un enfoque común para toda la UE basado en el modelo nórdico/de igualdad.”
The European Parliament passed a resolution against “prostitution” on September 14, 2023, but removed some of its most harmful parts, Human Rights Watch said today. Parliament adopted a non-binding report. Regulation of Prostitution in the EU: Its Cross-Border Implications and Impact on Gender Equality and Women’s Rights, but rejected “calls for an EU-wide approach based on the Nordic/Equality model.”
UAW president Shawn Fain’s aggressiveness reflects the mood of the American worker: anxious about job security and angry about a ballooning wealth gap.
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