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Exclusive: UN documents seen by the Guardian list hundreds of incidents, including claims workers were blindfolded and beaten.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a court of last resort, stepping in only when national authorities are unwilling or unable to do so. This is a key legal pillar known as the principle of complementarity. But because the ICC can only take on a few cases in a particular situation, comprehensive justice will invariably mean that the ICC and national authorities will need to work closely together.
La Cour pénale internationale (CPI) est une juridiction de dernier recours, qui n’intervient que lorsque les autorités judiciaires nationales ne veulent ou ne peuvent pas se saisir d’une affaire. Il s’agit d’un pilier juridique connu sous le nom de principe de complémentarité. Mais comme la CPI ne peut traiter que quelques affaires dans une situation particulière, la quête d’une justice exhaustive signifie invariablement que la CPI et les autorités nationales doivent travailler en étroite collaboration.
La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) es un tribunal de última instancia, que interviene únicamente cuando las autoridades nacionales no tienen la disposición o la capacidad para hacerlo. Este es un pilar jurídico fundamental que se conoce como principio de complementariedad. Sin embargo, la CPI solo puede tomar unos pocos casos en una situación determinada, por lo tanto, para que haya justicia integral será siempre necesario que la CPI y las autoridades nacionales trabajen en colaboración estrecha.
The World learned in 2011 of the secret British policy called Operation Legacy that was implemented in the 1950s. Its goal was to remove or destroy incriminating documents from former colonies in the months before each one became politically independent. This policy had an impact far and wide, and was implemented in British colonies throughout the Caribbean, Asia and Africa.
Germany's 30-year rule in Togoland (actual Ghana and Togo) seemed relatively peaceful compared to other German colonies, and Togoland was promoted as "a model colony." But it was a self-serving myth for German colonial administrators.
Germany's 30-year rule in Togoland (actual Ghana and Togo) seemed relatively peaceful compared to other German colonies, and Togoland was promoted as "a model colony." But it was a self-serving myth for German colonial administrators.
Museums, universities begin shuttering exhibits as federal requirements change for handling human remains, cultural items.
US president’s new executive order is an important step towards protecting sensitive personal data
Para el abogado, el oficialismo tiene una "particular provocación y perversidad" y cree que este domingo próximo "son capaces de hacer cualquier barbaridad".
En las audiencias de país de la CIDH, se discutieron diversas temáticas. Sobre Chile, se trataron los derechos de las personas sordas; respecto a Colombia, el reclutamiento forzado de niñas, niños y adolescentes indígenas y reparación de víctimas del conflicto; acerca de Cuba, derechos de quienes participan en misiones médicas y libertad de asociación; relativo a Ecuador, justicia indígena; con relación a Estados Unidos, impactos de la explotación del uranio en pueblos indígenas; en cuanto a...
In the shadow of the war raging in Gaza, record numbers of Palestinian detainees are filling Israeli prisons, where they face "systemic abuse" and torture, rights advocates warn, calling for international action.
Leonard Peltier is the longest imprisoned Indigenous person in the United States. Even after almost 47 years behind bars he is considered a political prisoner by Amnesty International, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, National Congress of American Indians, the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Rev. Jesse Jackson, among many others who believe he should be immediately released.
Congo’s government wants to resume executions, after a hiatus of two decades, in a bid to combat armed groups and gang violence, Tigere Chagutah, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, said:
Compte tenu de l’inefficacité du système de justice la décision consternante du gouvernement signifie que de nombreux innocents risquent d’être exécutés.
En respuesta a la noticia de que, después de una pausa de dos decenios, el gobierno de República Democrática del Congo quiere reanudar las ejecuciones en un intento por combatir a los grupos armados y la violencia de las bandas, Tigere Chagutah, director regional de Amnistía Internacional para África Oriental y Austral, ha declarado: “La […]
Sur les réseaux sociaux indonésiens, des dizaines d’images manipulées ou sorties de leur contexte ciblent les réfugiés rohingyas. La désinformation est telle que, même dans la province d’Aceh, réputée très accueillante, l’ONU s’inquiète pour leur sécurité. Notre Observateur, un journaliste indonésien spécialiste de la vérification pour "Mafindo", décrypte cette campagne de haine en ligne.
Germany's central financial institution, the Bundesbank, commissioned a study to examine its roots. Research showed that the bank, set up after World War II, was founded on a past tightly interwoven with the Nazi Party.
We look at data protection issues, including the regulation concerning the detection and removal of online child sexual abuse material, as well as Frontex’s handling of migrants’ data, and the recent news regarding the European Commission's violation of data protection rules in its use of Microsoft.
EU institutions struck a deal on the European Health Data Space, having finally landed an agreement on the thorny issue of opt-out for secondary use of health data.
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