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In September 2022 Mahsa/Zhina Amini, a young woman from Iran’s oppressed Kurdish minority, visited Tehran with her brother. She was stopped and arrested by Iran’s “morality” police (gasht-e ershad), who routinely arbitrarily detain women who do not comply with the country’s abusive and discriminatory compulsory veiling laws.
Three artworks believed stolen during the Holocaust from a Jewish art collector and entertainer have been seized from museums in three different states by New York law enforcement authorities.
Selon un rapport de l’ONG Global Witness, la Colombie occupe de nouveau la première place du classement des pays les plus dangereux du monde pour les défenseurs de l’environnement.
Homeworkers in an all-female cooperative in Tirupur, Tamil Nadu – known as India’s knitwear capital – took part in a photography project where they were given cameras to document their work. All the women belong to the Anukatham union, which is fighting for recognition by the Tamil Nadu government, as well as better wages and conditions
WHO has donated essential information technology equipment to Ukraine in a bid to bolster health data management in the country’s most conflict-affected regions.
Le roman graphique “Femme, vie, liberté”, conçu sous la direction de Marjane Satrapi, sort en librairie ce jeudi 14 septembre. Un an après la mort de Mahsa Amini, l’ouvrage raconte l’année de révolution que vient de vivre l’Iran. Pour la dessinatrice Bahareh Akrami, que nous avons rencontrée, il est crucial de ne pas laisser ce combat tomber dans l’oubli.
Adilur Rahman Khan and Nasiruddin Elan of Odhikar group documented extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) had opened a field office in Kyiv as part of efforts to hold Russian forces accountable for potential war crimes committed during it's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Number of book challenges nationwide doubled from 2021 as book ban movement gathers speed in Republican-led states.
The disproportionate use of criminal law is one of the main threats facing the right to protest peacefully in defense of land, territory and environment in Mexico, Amnesty International said today upon publishing a new report. Mexico: Land and Freedom? Criminalizing defenders of land, territory and environment documents the disproportionate use of the justice system to deter, punish and prevent defenders from protesting in demand of their rights.
En México, el derecho a la protesta ha sido ejercido por las personas defensoras de tierra, territorio y medio ambiente para exigir el respeto a sus derechos, incluyendo la autodeterminación, el consentimiento libre, previo e informado en los casos de Pueblos Indígenas, al medio ambiente sano, la información y la participación en proyectos con posible […]
The brief highlights viral allegations claiming that the UN is part of an operation to hand over Syrian dissidents and refugees to the regime in Damascus.
Quelque 150 chaînes Telegram, très suivies en Russie, racontent au quotidien la guerre en Ukraine, avec un point de vue très nationaliste… parfois trop pour le Kremlin lui-même.
Faire du redwashing, en plus de l’écoblanchiment. Voici ce que dénoncent militants et Autochtones en évoquant le comportement des banques et des industries minières et pétrolières.
Dozens of men from military units under Russia’s command were unmasked as ‘enablers’ of unspeakable war crimes in eastern Ukraine.
Une dizaine de requérants qui avaient saisi la juridiction européenne pour des cas de violences LGBTphobes à Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg et en Tchétchénie ont obtenu gain de cause.
How a group of people took coordinated action to safeguard the tapes of the Chilean documentary "The Battle of Chile, the Struggle of an Unarmed People."
Pour chaque diocèse, les historiens de l’Université de Zurich ont fait un état des lieux de la tenue des archives ordinaires et des archives secrètes. Le bilan est mitigé entre très bon et médiocre. Mais tous ont manifesté une volonté explicite de collaboration.
Le rapport du projet pilote sur l’histoire des abus sexuels dans l’Église suisse a permis de dénombrer, entre 1950 et 2022, 1’002 cas d’abus sexuels sur 921 victimes pour 510 auteurs. Selon les historiens, il ne pourrait s’agir là que de la partie émergée de l’iceberg. La faillite de l’institution et les négligences des évêques dans la gestion des abus sont pointées du doigt.
But the United States can only secure cooperation if it builds from a foundation of trust – and that trust can only be won through transparency about the past actions of the US government that continue to haunt our neighbors.
Resource type
- Audio Recording (2)
- Blog Post (4)
- Book (1)
- Newspaper Article (96)
- Video Recording (4)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2023 (107)
Between 2020 and 2025