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During the COVID-19 pandemic, a time filled with uncertainty and fear, ethnically minoritised NHS staff have not only had to contend with the virus but also a workplace fraught with inequalities.
Vague definitions and heavy penalties mean that legislation could be used to stifle a free press.
The World learned in 2011 of the secret British policy called Operation Legacy that was implemented in the 1950s. Its goal was to remove or destroy incriminating documents from former colonies in the months before each one became politically independent. This policy had an impact far and wide, and was implemented in British colonies throughout the Caribbean, Asia and Africa.
Governments can exclude certain groups of people in policies and services not only by the type of data they collect but also how they collect, store, analyze and use the data.
For both US politicians and enslaved Black Americans, the Haitian Revolution represented the possibility of a successful violent rebellion by the oppressed.
For both US politicians and enslaved Black Americans, the Haitian Revolution represented the possibility of a successful violent rebellion by the oppressed.
La Comisión Europea ha asegurado el lunes que "revisará" su apoyo a la UNRWA, la agencia de la ONU para los refugiados palestinos, tras las acusaciones de que varios miembros de su personal estuvieron implicados en los atentados del 7 de octubre contra Israel.
In the aftermath of a disappointing Voice referendum, Indigenous politicians are looking to the United Nations Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a potential way forward.
Alors que le président libertarien argentin Javier Milei, a largement profité des réseaux sociaux lors de sa campagne présidentielle, notamment pour séduire les plus jeunes générations, d’autres personnalités politiques envisagent au contraire de quitter ces mêmes réseaux. Force est de constater que depuis de nombreuses années, les réseaux sociaux dominants, dont le modèle d’affaires repose sur l’économie de l’attention favorise structurellement le clash et la polarisation des opinions.
Fernando Travesí is the Executive Director of the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ). He has over 20 years of international experience in transitional justice, human rights, and rule of law, working for both international organizations and NGOs.
Since he took office, Milei has been busy with his agenda of cutting. Within weeks he had published an 82-page executive decree as an inaugural phase of his extensive deregulation. The decree is designed to fundamentally change Argentinian society, directly affecting the rights and protections of millions of workers.
Two human rights activists have been acquitted of defaming a powerful government minister. It’s the latest in a string of concerning authoritarian uses of Indonesian law.
Cabinet Office papers expose Thatcher’s anxiety over the famous book, and the difference between governing in the 1980s and the modern information age.
The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine publishes an introspection on centuries of unjust and racist medicine towards Indigenous People. The long list of prejudices evoked makes us realize that they are deeply rooted in Western societies.
Social media play an increasingly significant role in activist and social movements around the globe. Archiving social media is a relatively new phenomenon and an area which needs greater clarity, understanding and uniformity. When it comes to archiving and cataloguing sensitive social media collections, such as personal abortion stories, the process is even more ambiguous.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led to the displacement of thousands of Palestinians from their homes, leaving behind furniture, books, documents, and other items relating to their cultural heritage. These items were captured by the invading Israeli forces and sealed away in their archives and libraries, where they remain to this day. Since this first phase of pillaging in 1948, Israel has continued to sequester away pieces of Palestinian cultural heritage which they collected during...
The 1973 world’s first conference on the abolition of torture drew more than 300 delegates representing over 70 countries and international organizations. It opened with the news that the United Nations General Assembly had passed a resolution condemning torture. More than three-quarters of the world’s nations still engage in torture, which is notoriously difficult to study because it often occurs in secret.
Archival descriptive practices have traditionally obfuscated the existence of or excluded entirely the experiences of LGBTQIA+ people. The development of reparative archival description practices compels archivists to reassess how best to elevate the voices of queer creators and subjects within their collections.
Thousands of Kenyans were held in detention camps, and the British imperialist government tried to cover up brutal violations that occurred there.
While the Genocide Convention has helped raise awareness and prevent ethnic violence from escalating, it has not stopped many accusations of genocides, including violence in Darfur and in Ukraine.
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (80)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (22)
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