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This is the first comprehensive history of Jewish negotiations with East Germany regarding restitution and reparations for Nazi war crimes. Angelika Timm analyzes the politics of old and new anti-Semitism and the context in which they grew under the officially propagated ideology of antifascism. Investigating the mass of unpublished, newly available archival data from the United States, Israel, and the former German Democratic Republic, and more than forty personal interviews, Timm fills a...
This extended think-piece begins by exploring the late twentieth-century philosophical trend of postmodernism, and what its fragmented, decontextualized world-view means for archives. Such a position, as taken up by some historians, posits the absence of coherence, the death of grand historical narratives, and the supremacy of relativity. Consideration of the postmodern serves as a jumping-off point for an exploration of the nature of records, and the mission of the archival profession to...
Il aurait fallu le dire depuis longtemps, le dire haut et fort: en des temps dominés par les lâches et les tueurs, il y eut des individus pour nous permettre de ne pas désespérer de l’humanité, des hommes et des femmes qui n’ont pas hésité à risquer la mort pour sauver des vies. Iréna, polonaise, a sorti du ghetto, à la barbe des Allemands, 2 500 enfants. Berthold, industriel allemand, a entrepris d’embaucher des Juifs dans son usine, les sauvant ainsi des camps de la mort. Des religieuses...
La librairie Gallimard vous renseigne sur Mal d'archive : une impression freudienne de l'auteur DERRIDA JACQUES (9782718607719). Vous êtes informés sur sa disponibilité, son prix, ses données techniques. Vous pouvez le commander en ajoutant ce livre à votre panier.
Adopted at the Forty-eighth Session of the Human Rights Committee
The General Assembly , Considering that , in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations and other international instruments, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Read reviews from the world’s largest community for readers. undefined
Entry into force: 1 July 2003, in accordance with article 87(1) Preamble The States Parties to the present Convention,
Study concerning the right to restitution, compensation and rehabilitation for victims of gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms : preliminary report / submitted by Theo van Boven, Special Rapporteur.
The idea of archives as collective memory is sometimes employed as a metaphor for discussing the social and cultural role of archives. It is argued here that the idea is more than a metaphor and is supported by theories that would view collections of documents and material artifacts as means of extending the temporal and spatial range of communication. Archives, along with other communicational resources such as oral and ritual tradition, help to transfer information--and thereby sustain...
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