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In the final days before the election, President Trump and Republicans are trying again to highlight the caravan, which he called “an invasion of our country.”
From 1999 to 2018, Kosovo courts heard 48 war crimes cases with a total of 111 defendants standing trial, said a new report published by the Humanitarian Law Centre.
Por el caso de de la familia Molina Theissen, en el que los archivos fueron puebas determinantes, condenaron a 58 años de cárcel al ...
The UN Human Rights Committee on Tuesday criticised France's so-called burqa ban, saying the law "violated" the rights of two women who were fined for wearing full-face veils in public.
This essay traces the changing meanings of the term “anti-Semitism” from the late nineteenth century to the present. Focusing on Britain, it demonstrates that anti-Semitism, like any other concept, has a history—but in this case, one that remains largely uncharted. The essay draws a contrast between early usages of the term that regarded anti-Semitism as a specifically modern phenomenon and later meanings that have conceived anti-Semitism as a continuous and deep-seated malaise. Changes in...
Make no mistake - the supply chain of cobalt from the Congo is smeared in blood and misery
"I am what I am, so take me as I am."
El libro LAS REDES DEL TERROR de JOSE MARIA FARALDO en Casa del Libro: ¡descubre las mejores ofertas y envíos gratis!
Japan’s kyōkasho mondai (history textbook controversy) is at a crossroads. This article tries to exemplify it through the analysis of three issue areas at three levels (international, domestic, and societal). Internationally, the study looks into the failure of much anticipated joint history writing projects with China (2006–2010) and South Korea (2002–2005, 2007–2010). Domestically, this study problematises the recent politicisation of the textbook adoption system through the analysis of...
MBIE releases list of employers caught out ripping off workers and rorting the law.
Tunisie - Une démocratisation au-dessus de tout soupçon ? (EAN13 : 9782271118073) édité par CNRS Editions - Premières élections pluralistes, nouvelle constitution, multiplication des partis et des associations, montée des revendications des minorités sexuelles, régionales et religieuses, recomposition du personnel politico-administratif, explosion des conflits autour de la question sociale…
Hungary must provide food to rejected asylum seekers held in detention camps on its border who are appealing the decision, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) said on Thursday.
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