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Ben Barnes, chief of the Shawnee Tribe, tells Al Jazeera that advocates do not want the truth ‘sifted through a sieve’. Starting from around 1819 and continuing through the 1960s, generations of Indigenous children were separated from their families and sent to the institutions, run by government or missionary organisations. Washington released the results of a first-of-its-kind investigation into the boarding schools and their policies.
In the context of growing uncertainty and anxiety surrounding trans-inclusive practice in the cultural sector, the University of Leicester’s Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG) – working with a team of legal scholars and experts in inclusion, equality and ethics – has developed comprehensive guidance on advancing trans inclusion for museums, galleries, archives and heritage organisations. The book is downloadable for free.
In its 75 years, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has helped many find justice -- either by changing laws or providing opportunities for people to claim their rights. But there are still places where accessing justice is difficult or impossible for those seeking it. In this episode, we hear from those who continue to uphold the promise of the Declaration.
Lebanese authorities’ arrest and investigation of prominent comedian Nour Hajjar, solely in retaliation for his jokes, represents a new escalation in Lebanon’s crackdown on public criticism, the Coalition to Defend Freedom of Expression in Lebanon of which Amnesty International is a member, said today.
De nouvelles révélations au sujet d’une unité ultrasecrète créée au sein du cabinet du premier ministre Pierre Elliott Trudeau pour espionner les souverainistes québécois témoignent de l’ampleur de ce qu’on ignore encore concernant la réponse d’Ottawa au mouvement indépendantiste.
According to an article that has just been published in English in an academic journal, Prime Minister Trudeau’s office created an espionage unit in the 1970s to monitor Quebec sovereignists. The firm had also asked the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to pass on information to it – a request the defunct RCMP security service reportedly resisted.
Majority of the world’s coups in Africa with at least 106 coups across Africa since 1950 and 108 unsuccessful attempts.
It is deeply disturbing that the Ugandan authorities are prosecuting people based on their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.
El hecho de que las autoridades ugandesas enjuicien a la gente por su orientación sexual, real o percibida, o por su identidad de género es muy alarmante.
President Gabriel Boric is announcing a new national search plan ahead of the 50th anniversary of the coup that toppled the government and led to the disappearance and killing of thousands.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has confirmed the date of the upcoming Voice to parliament referendum, announcing the vote will be held on October 14. Australians will head to the referendum polls for the first time in 24 years on the second Saturday in October to decide whether to enshrine an Indigenous Voice in Australia's constitution.
On its birthday, Al Jazeera looks beyond the cassette’s invention in Europe and at its life in Egypt. Adawiya, Imam and Kishk used the technology to circumvent censorship and reach a mass audience in the absence of Egyptian radio, which came under state control in 1934 and refused to give them airtime.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced the referendum date, triggering just over six weeks of intensifying campaigning by both sides of the argument
Tres expertas de la ONU denuncian los brutales ataques a dos defensoras de las garantías fundamentales inscritas en el mecanismo de protección que otorga el país a esas personas. Las agresiones ocurrieron en marzo y mayo pasados y aún continúan las investigaciones. Las relatoras instan al gobierno mexicano a garantizar la seguridad de quienes trabajan en favor de los derechos humanos.
A group of UN independent human rights experts on Wednesday urged the Government of Mexico to investigate and prosecute those who attack and kill women activists searching for their missing relatives. |
When Teresa Wong went looking for information on her great-grandpa, she was surprised by what she couldn’t find — and what she discovered in herself.
Venezuela: Arbitrary detentions continue as a tool of government control and repression. In the new report, Life detained: Politically motivated arbitrary detentions continue in Venezuela Amnesty International denounces the Nicolás Maduro.
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has concluded that countries must urgently implement measures to address the damage and threat to children’s rights from climate change and environmental degradation.
Les enfants sont parmi les personnes les plus vulnérables aux conséquences du changement climatique et des dégradations de l’environnement dans le monde.
Venezuela. Le gouvernement continue à recourir aux détentions arbitraires comme outil de contrôle et de répression. Dans le nouveau rapport intitulé Vidas detenidas: Continúan las detenciones arbitrarias por motivos políticos en Venezuela, Amnesty International dénonce la persistance de la politique de répression mise en œuvre par le gouvernement de Nicolás Maduro.
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