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Guyana president Irfaan Ali on Thursday lashed out at the descendants of European slave traders, saying those who profited from the cruel, trans-Atlantic slave trade should offer to pay reparations to today’s generations.
A coalition advocating for Native people traumatized by an oppressive system of boarding schools for Native youths plans to digitize 20,000 archival pages related to schools in that system that were operated by the Quakers.
An audit found political staffers in the Ontario government allegedly deleted records and used personal emails during interactions with development lobbyists
Upcoming Events - How Should Societies Remember Their Sins? | Friday, October 27, 2023 | Los Angeles In-Person | Streaming Online | Attempts to confront difficult history appear to be dividing the United States and entangling communities in cultural and legal conflict. But historians, social justice activists, and many others argue that grappling with the sins of the past, and the way they reverberate into the present, is a necessary foundation for reimagining the future. What are the best...
An appeal hearing at a Moscow court on Tuesday (22 August) which has upheld the 13-year sentence imposed on Maksym Butkevych, a Ukrainian human rights defender, is a grave miscarriage of justice Amnesty International said today.
La vista de apelación celebrada en Moscú el martes (22 de agosto) ha confirmado la pena de 13 años de prisión impuesta al defensor ucraniano de los derechos humanos Maksym Butkevych, lo que representa un grave error de la justicia. Así lo ha afirmado hoy Amnistía Internacional.
Exclusive: Patrick Robinson says reparation for transatlantic slavery ‘is required by history and is required by law’
Dans ses nouvelles recherches, Amnesty International explique que les autorités iraniennes soumettent les familles des victimes à des arrestations et détentions arbitraires, restreignent indûment les rassemblements pacifiques sur les lieux d’inhumation et détruisent les pierres tombales.
As internet use and digital technologies flourished in Cambodia, more people are relying on social media to access news and information and to exercise their rights to free expression.
Les abus systématiques contre les Éthiopiens pourraient constituer des crimes contre l'humanité
Systematic Abuses of Ethiopians May Amount to Crimes Against Humanity
Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Gbowee stood behind a wooden podium in a cramped conference room and recounted her narrow escape from one of the worst massacres in Liberia’s civil war, a devastating conflict that ended 20 years ago this August.
The outgoing Ontario auditor general sat down with The Narwhal for an exit interview about her decade of environmental oversight, what her critics say behind closed doors and the possibility of another Greenbelt report
In new research, Amnesty International details how the Iranian authorities have been subjecting victims’ families to arbitrary arrest and detention, imposing cruel restrictions on peaceful gatherings at grave sites, and destroying victims’ gravestones.
En la nueva investigación, Amnistía Internacional explica pormenorizadamente que las autoridades iraníes llevan tiempo sometiendo a los familiares de las víctimas a detención arbitraria y reclusión, imponiendo duras restricciones a las reuniones pacíficas en los emplazamientos de las tumbas y destruyendo las lápidas de las víctimas.
One million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh face little prospect of safely returning home, six years since the Myanmar military launched a campaign of mass atrocities in Rakhine State on August 25, 2017.
India’s ruling Hindu nationalists have proposed a legislation to remove archaic references to the British monarchy and other 'signs of slavery' to protect the constitutional rights of the Indian people.
Iranian authorities have arrested at least a dozen activists and increased pressure on a wide range of peaceful dissidents ahead of the anniversary of the nationwide protests that swept the country in 2022.
Since the Middle Ages, Erfurt in Germany was home to several well-documented Jewish communities. Each wiped out by pogroms followed by the holocaust, the city tells a horrifying history.
Much ‘artificial intelligence’ harvests original creative work by humans. Regulators must demand transparency about training data
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