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The official propaganda of the government of Nicolás Maduro spreads thanks to the work of citizens who receive payments from the government to promote trends on social media
All people have a legacy that deserves to be preserved. In other words, we believe it is an essential human right to be able to preserve your legacy. A single story from someone who cares can inspire others to leave the world a better place.
A number of original documents and records about the Dien Bien Phu Campaign and the 1954 Geneva Conference were made public for the first time and recently introduced to the public.
Trente ans après le début du génocide des Tutsis au Rwanda, les autorités françaises avancent à petit pas vers une reconnaissance du rôle de Paris à l'époque et promettent des procès. Des dizaines et des dizaines de bourreaux ont trouvé refuge en France, dont Agathe Habyarimana, la veuve de l'ancien président rwandais, soupçonnée d'être impliquée dans le génocide de 1994.
The Bangladesh Film Archive, under the information ministry, and Getty Images, a visual media company of the US, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to collect and preserve footage on the Liberation War and Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
A non-governmental organisation on Monday sought answers over the deaths of two French officers killed in the early days of the 1994 Rwanda genocide, a legal complaint seen by AFP showed.
Rwanda has begun 100 days of commemorations to mark the 30th anniversary of the 1994 genocide, in which 800,000 people, most of them from the Tutsi ethnic group, were massacred by Hutu militias.
En el 30º aniversario del genocidio de Ruanda, un intento de exterminio de la minoría étnica tutsi, el presidente del Consejo Europeo, Charles Michel, "admitió" la responsabilidad y complicidad por parte de la comunidad internacional, que permaneció inmóvil y cerró los ojos durante este momento oscuro de la historia de la humanidad.
Lors des commémoration du 30e anniversaire du génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda, Charles Michel, le président du Conseil européen, a évoqué "une forme de complicité" de la communauté internationale. Le président français estime que Paris "aurait pu arrêter le génocide avec ses alliés".
World leaders around the world have marked the anniversary of the genocide of the Tutsi ethnic minority. Charles Michel, the President of the European Council, admitted responsibility, a kind of complicity on the part of the international community - which remained motionless, closed its eyes - in this dark moment in human history.
In a landmark legal battle, Independent Media's successful appeal against the State Security Minister's interim interdict reveals a victory not only for press freedom but also for transparency and accountability in governance.
The Jamaica Archives and Records Department (JARD) is observing Records and Information Management (RIM) month in April, with a focus on increasing awareness about the importance of accurate records management in providing holistic solutions to the impact of climate-change.
A former general accused of ordering the murder of more than 1,200 indigenous Ixil Maya people during Guatemala's civil war has gone on trial.
La victoria del pueblo vietnamita en Dien Bien Phu es un símbolo del movimiento de la liberación de los pueblos coloniales y oprimidos del mundo, afirmó el profesor argentino Ezequiel Ramoneda.
Amnesty International has published the book Images of Rebellion, an extraordinary visual compilation that chronicles and celebrates the defiant spirit of civil resistance in Cuba. The book contains a poignant selection of the more than 21,000 letters and drawings sent to Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, Cuban artist and prisoner of conscience, in a global outpouring of support.
Amnesty International lance le livre Imágenes de Rebeldía, un remarquable recueil visuel qui non seulement raconte, mais aussi célèbre l’esprit rebelle de la résistance civique à Cuba. Ce livre rassemble une sélection des plus de 21 000 lettres et dessins de soutien international envoyés à Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, artiste et prisonnier d’opinion cubain.
Amnistía Internacional lanza libro “Imágenes de Rebeldía”, un extraordinario compendio visual que no solo narra, sino que también celebra el espíritu rebelde de la resistencia cívica en Cuba. Este libro recopila una emotiva selección de las más de 21,000 cartas y dibujos de apoyo global enviados a Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, artista y preso de conciencia cubano.
La presentación fue hecha por la legisladora Victoria Montenegro ante el relator de Naciones Unidas Fabián Salvioli.
Au moins 800 000 personnes massacrées en cent jours, entre avril et juillet 1994. Depuis, la justice nationale a jugé plus d’un million de personnes. Le temps du châtiment a passé. Et les Rwandais ont dû réapprendre le « vivre ensemble ». Notre correspondant en a interrogé certains sur le sens et la réalité de cette « réconciliation ».
At least 800,000 people were massacred in 100 days, between April and July 1994. Since then, the national justice system has tried over a million people. The time for retribution has passed. And Rwandans have had to relearn how to “live together”. Our correspondent asked some of them what this “reconciliation” means for them.
Resource type
- Audio Recording (6)
- Blog Post (7)
- Book (5)
- Journal Article (4)
- Newspaper Article (65)
- Video Recording (1)
- Web Page (4)
Publication year
- Between 2000 and 2025 (92)