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A landmark genomic study raises the possibility that many more people could find links to distant ancestors through genetic analysis.
Un estudio sin precedentes recupera los orígenes de miles de familias afroamericanas de cuyos ancestros no había registros
La firma Camargo Correa creó un esquema financiero en paraísos fiscales con tentáculos en ocho países para canalizar el pago de comisiones ilegales a directivos de la petrolera Petrobras. Así lo confirman documentos a los que ha tenido acceso EL PAÍS y que afloran nuevos detalles sobre el funcionamiento de este esquema corrupto, sus tretas de ocultación y la maraña de testaferros, sociedades ficticias y cuentas cifradas para mover el dinero sucio.
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is now accepting proposals for the 2024 Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility in Libraries & Archives (IDEAL) Conference, to be held July 15–17, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The conference theme is Sustainable Resistance and Restoration in Global Communities. Proposals should consider how the content of the session connects to the larger landscape of diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and justice (DEIA/J) and how the session reasonably engages adult learners.
El tribunal salvadoreño postergó la audiencia preliminar hasta febrero del año siguiente a petición de la Fiscalía. “Dicha prórroga es innecesaria, porque hasta ahora la Fiscalía no ha presentado pruebas reales contra nuestros compañeros y difícilmente las tendrá alargando injustificadamente el proceso. Su única prueba son las declaraciones contradictorias de un testigo criteriado”, señala el comunicado de ADES.
Sudan: War crimes rampant as civilians killed in both deliberate and indiscriminate attacks. Read the Report
Soudan. Généralisation des crimes de guerre avec des attaques aveugles et aussi délibérées contre la population civile – publication d’un nouveau rapport
Sudán: Crímenes de guerra generalizados. Muertes de civiles en ataques deliberados e indiscriminados. Nuevo informe
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced its first-ever LGBTQI+ inclusive development policy, which will guide the agency’s inclusion of LGBTQ+ rights support in its programming.
Based on a comprehensive review of open source material, Yale HRL has identified the laws and tactics used to make it impossible for residents to survive in their homes unless they accept Russian citizenship. An executive summary and the full report are available in English.
According to new evidence gathered by the investigation, at least 36 victims described the use of electrocution during interrogations of Kherson prisoners.
To mark Roma Genocide Remembrance Day on 2 August, the IHRA shares this article by Anna Míšková, Chair of the IHRA Committee on the Genocide of the Roma.
A propósito del anuncio de un Archivo Nacional de la Memoria en Chile.
Factual and responsible reporting by the media can help affected communities cope better by enhancing their knowledge, connecting them with first responders, highlighting their needs and providing access to authorities.
El primer civil de la dictadura. Los archivos secretos de Álvaro Puga es un proyecto periodístico multimedia que revela, a través del análisis de documentos inéditos, una faceta desconocida del régimen, sus pugnas internas, sus mecanismos de poder y control. A 50 años del golpe de Estado presentamos una investigación exclusiva liderada por Juan Cristóbal Peña.
La célèbre journaliste est décédée hier (31 juillet 2023) à l’âge de 70 ans et il n’est pas un média qui ne lui rende hommage aujourd’hui. Liliane Pierre-Paul avait consacré sa vie au journalisme, dénonçant sans cesse la corruption et les dérives de certains dirigeants.
Forced labour haunts the streets we walk today and the spaces we take for granted. Blood and Dirt explains, for the first time, the making of New Zealand and its Pacific empire through the prism of prison labour. Jared Davidson asks us to look beyond the walls of our nineteenth- and early twentieth-century prisons to see penal practice as playing an active, central role in the creation of modern New Zealand. Journeying from the Hohi mission station in the Bay of Islands through to Milford...
Remotely Useful pioneers a first-of-its-kind guide, bridging the gap between the archival field and the day-to-day concerns of preserving cultural and community records in the North–encompassing the upper latitudes of Canada and the United States. These Arctic and Subarctic regions are on the front lines of the climate crisis, making the urgent documentation and preservation of their histories, traditions, and ecological knowledge vital before they are lost or altered forever.
This volume provides the basis for contemporary privacy and social media research and informs global as well as local initiatives to address issues related to social media privacy through research, policymaking, and education.
Freedom of expression is under threat as governments in Southern Africa have enacted laws restricting civil society organizations.
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