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“I wanted to write something that puts Pākehā in the shoes of a colonised people. I want them to imagine a world in which their principles and values are routinely laughed at.”
La répression contre les droits fondamentaux dans le pays s’intensifie.
The human rights situation in Cambodia has severely deteriorated since the last national election in 2018, Amnesty International’s interim Deputy Regional Director for Research Montse Ferrer said today, ahead of Sunday polls expected to be dominated by the ruling Cambodian People’s Party after the sole viable opposition group was blocked from participating. “Authorities in Cambodia have spent the past five years picking apart what’s left of the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful...
Noam Chomsky in a new interview on economist Tyler Cowen's podcast Conversations with Tyler. 'That’s what we’re facing. We know answers, at least possible answers to all of the problems that face us. Open Culture,
Pourquoi la Suisse, un pays qui n’a jamais eu de colonies, commence à parler de colonialisme et de décolonisation ? Les Suisses sont-ils prêts à l'entendre ?
Why is Switzerland, a country that has never had colonies, starting to talk about colonialism and decolonization? Are the Swiss ready to hear it?
Muchos países europeos no hacen justicia a los supervivientes de abusos sexuales a menores, según un informe publicado el jueves.
Reports that migrants and asylum seekers, including children, have been pushed back by Texas officials, stranded in sweltering heat, and wounded by razor wire installed under Operation Lone Star should be investigated and all federal support to the operation ended.
Advances in generative artificial intelligence could supercharge the propaganda playbook, experts warn.
The story behind the research can be as compelling as the results. Recording the effects of starvation, a group of Jewish doctors demonstrated their dedication to science – and their own humanity.
Migration needs to be approached as a form of reparation by countries and businesses that have historically contributed most to the problem we face today.
‘I greatly admire the resolve you are showing,’ former PM said in handwritten note released to National Archives.
Las sonadas confesiones de militares ante la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP) desmintieron una vasta campaña de desinformación para desacreditar el proceso de justicia transicional en Colombia.
The resounding confessions of soldiers before the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) disproved a vast campaign of disinformation to discredit the transitional justice process in Colombia.
Les aveux retentissants de militaires devant la Juridiction spéciale pour la paix (JEP) ont invalidé une vaste campagne de désinformation visant à discréditer le processus de justice transitionnelle en Colombie.
The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) has developed this bibliometric analysis of existing literature at the nexus of work on climate change, human mobility, and human rights.
El libro registra los sombríos efectos de una falta casi total de alimentos en el cuerpo humano. Es un tesoro para los médicos que también muestra la dedicación y humanidad de los científicos judíos.
The president has finished a review first mandated by law in 1992, and while a vast majority of papers related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy have been released, some remain redacted.
Maryland lawmakers prioritized the alternative disciplinary practice four years ago, but the rollout has been complicated.
Las zapatillas de punta eran un testimonio de esperanzas incumplidas. Pertenecían a una joven bailarina de ballet de Bosnia y Herzegovina cuya vida cambió para siempre por el brutal conflicto que estalló en el corazón de Europa a finales del siglo XX. Se expusieron en la sede de la ONU en Nueva York para educar a los visitantes sobre los horrores de la guerra y el genocidio.
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