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An archive holding works by writers purged in the 1930s also hosted Victoria Amelina, lost to a Russian strike this summer.
The ai4lam community is organizing its annual international conference, Fantastic Futures 2023, to be held at the Internet Archive Canada, Vancouver, Canada, on November 15-17 2023. We are bringing together a diverse audience of professionals from libraries, archives, museums (LAMs), heritage organizations, as well as industry, advocacy, and policy groups, interested in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to the work of libraries, memory organizations, scholarship, arts and culture, and information preservation and access.
From spy attractions around town to intelligence recruitment at local colleges, the city is a hot bed for spy activity.
A Senate report found that the genocidal practice is continuing today, including a case as recently as 2019.
Interpreting Contentious Memory - Countermemories and Social Conflicts over the Past; This book illustrates how scholars use different interpretive lenses to study profound conflicts rooted in the past. Addressing issues of racism, genocide, war, nationalism, colonialism and more, it highlights how our interpretations of contentious memories are indispensable to our understandings of contemporary conflicts and identities.
The Egyptian government’s decision in June 2023 to require all Sudanese to obtain visas to enter Egypt has reduced access to safety for women, children, and older people fleeing the ongoing conflict in Sudan.
Depuis janvier 2023, des groupes armés islamistes ont perpétré des meurtres à grande échelle, des viols et des pillages dans des villages du nord-est du Mali.
Islamist armed groups have carried out widespread killings, rapes, and lootings of villages in northeast Mali since January 2023.
Italian social media users are expressing outrage after judges said groping had to last 10 seconds to be considered sexual assault.
Archeologists resumed digging Tuesday at the remote site of a former Native American boarding school in central Nebraska, searching for the remains of children who died there decades ago. The search for a hidden cemetery near the former Genoa Indian Industrial School in Nebraska gained renewed interest after the discovery of hundreds of children’s remains at other Native American boarding school sites across the U.S. and Canada since 2021, said Dave Williams, the state’s archeologist whose team is digging at the site.
“The unfair charges and inhumane prison conditions shows the Vietnamese authorities’ willingness to systematically silence dissent in direct violation of international human rights law."
À l’approche du procès en appel, jeudi 13 juillet 2023, de Truong Van Dung, défenseur des droits humains condamné pour « propagande contre le gouvernement » et condamné à six ans d’emprisonnement en mars 2023 uniquement pour avoir exprimé librement ses opinions, Ming Yu Hah, directrice régionale adjointe pour le travail de campagne à Amnesty International, a déclaré : « Les autorités vietnamiennes utilisent une fois de plus à mauvais escient le système pénal pour réprimer la dissidence....
IT WAS a matter that felt like life or death. Kenneth Myrie’s health was declining rapidly and he wanted a copy of his medical records dating back to 2004 to determine what type of medical procedure was carried out on him at the Kingston Public.
Amar Tabjadi, Abdallah Bacha, Larbi Daoui, Abdelkader Dranis, Mohammed Isidore Illoul, Medjen Tahar, Maurice Lurot... Six Français musulmans d’Algérie (FMA) et un Français, militant de la CGT. Ces noms vous sont probablement inconnus. Et pourtant. Tous sont morts sous les balles de la police à Paris, le 14 juillet 1953. À l’époque, les revendications indépendantistes fleurissent au sein de l’Empire colonial français. Si les regards sont focalisés sur l’Indochine où la guerre fait rage depuis...
Exactly 66 years ago, in August 1957, the CIA released its secret report “Resistance Factors and Special Forces Areas. Ukraine.” This voluminous 200-page “work,” which resembled a doctoral dissertation, was prepared for the US intelligence community by staff members of Georgetown University. Despite its academic content, the CIA report is a detailed manual for the occupation of the Ukrainian territory by the Special Forces.
New court filings in a defamation lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani show the promoters of the election fraud narrative after Donald Trump lost the presidency failed to do basic vetting of the claims they were touting – and didn’t see such vetting as necessary.
Extraterritorial human rights obligations are contentious. In the UK, for example, the ECtHR’s findings that armed forces deployed abroad have human rights obligations have met with criticism. Extraterritoriality is also routinely named as one of the most difficult aspects of the next generation of potentially groundbreaking human rights litigation: climate cases.
La discriminación racial y el sexismo sistémicos en los sistemas de salud del continente elevan los riesgos de las mujeres afrodescendientes cuando se embarazan, revela un nuevo informe de la ONU. El maltrato a las mujeres afrodescendientes a la hora de recibir atención médica puede incluir abuso verbal y físico, negación de atención de calidad y rechazo al alivio del dolor, detalla.
Les femmes et les filles d'ascendance africaine sont confrontées à un schéma systémique et historique de violences racistes dans le secteur de la santé dans la région des Amériques, les exposant à un risque accru de décès pendant l'accouchement, a déclaré mercredi l'agence de santé sexuelle et reproductive des Nations Unies, l’UNFPA.
Women and girls of African descent face a “systemic and historical pattern” of racial abuse in the health sector in countries across the world, leaving them at increased risk of death during childbirth, the UN’s sexual and reproductive health agency said on Wednesday. |
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