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Mia Mottley, Barbados PM, said during a visit in the UK that Barbados was owed $4.9tn (£3.9tn) by slave-owning nations, noting that conversations over how this debt should be repaid would “be difficult and will take time”
À l’occasion du dixième anniversaire de la disparition de Nelson Mandela, RFI a interrogé le journaliste sud-africain Max Du Preez. Il est l’un de meilleurs connaisseurs de l’histoire contemporaine de l’Afrique du Sud et de son évolution sous les gouvernements post-apartheid.
One in every six women experienced violence from their current or former partner, according to the first-ever national survey of domestic violence in 2020.
La resolución fue firmada por tres de los seis integrantes del TC, con el voto del presidente del organismo, Francisco Morales.
La Comisión de Relaciones Humanas del condado de Los Ángeles publicó sus observaciones sobre los delitos de odio reportados en 2022. Desde 1980 se realiza este reporte detallado con datos compilados por numerosas agencias de seguridad, instituciones educativas y organizaciones comunitarias.
El juicio por corrupción a Netanyahu se reanudó este lunes luego de una pausa de dos meses tras los ataques de Hamas a Israel el 7 de octubre.
The university’s Peabody Museum exploited loopholes to prevent repatriation to the Wabanaki people while still staying in compliance with NAGPRA. The tribes didn’t give up.
Entretien avec Klaus Hoffmann, un procureur allemand du Groupe consultatif pour les enquêtes sur les crimes internationaux les plus graves. En Ukraine, il aide le bureau du procureur à enquêter et poursuivre les crimes de guerre.
Across northern Australia, some Aboriginal people have grown up bearing the names of Hollywood stars and fascist dictators. It's a link back to a dark chapter in history.
One year on from the "white paper protests", one of the biggest displays of civil disobedience in China since the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, young people are finding creative ways to express political dissent.
In a Green New Deal for Archives policy platform I think there’s an important role for community archives to play in documenting watersheds and local environmental problems. Community and activist archives can do this in ways that government archives likely could not or would not.
Ukraine’s state archives were under threat even before the full-scale invasion of 2022, because of a lack of funding and resources. Now Russian occupiers seem intent on destroying what’s left.
La ville de Gaza n’a plus d’archives. elles ont toutes disparu suite au bombardement du siège central des archives centrales
The head of Gaza Municipality said that Israel destroyed the “Central Archives” which contained thousands of historical documents dating more than 150 years.
Le personnel des organisations internationales est presque totalement inopérant: les violations des droits humains perpétrés actuellement ne peuvent pas être documentées, ce qui renforce le cycle de l’impunité pour les crimes internationaux.
Staff from international organisations are left almost entirely inoperative: they cannot document the human rights violations that are currently being committed, which reinforces the cycle of impunity for international crimes.
Grand entretien avec Frédéric Mégret. Un an après le début de l'invasion de l'Ukraine par la Russie, quel bilan peut-on faire des différentes initiatives de justice mises en place ?
Disney has filed a lawsuit claiming that the oversight government for Walt Disney World, which was taken over by appointees of Gov. Ron DeSantis earlier this year, has failed to release documents and properly preserve records in violation of Florida public records law.
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- Blog Post (4)
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- Newspaper Article (61)
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- Web Page (6)
Publication year
- Between 2000 and 2025 (78)