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Speaking on the newly formed Residential School Documents Advisory Committee on Wednesday, Canada’s Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Marc Miller revealed that 13 federal departments and agencies have identified approximately 23 million “potentially relevant” documents in relation to the abuse suffered by Indigenous children in residential schools between the early 1800s and late 1900s.
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will mark his first year in office on June 30, 2023, having done little to improve human rights protections in the Philippines.
L’ancien gendarme rwandais, naturalisé français en 2005, était notamment accusé d’avoir participé, en donnant des ordres, voire en étant directement impliqué sur le terrain, à plusieurs massacres de civils tutsi qui ont fait des milliers de morts.
The Fury, created by Shirin Neshat, is a two-part narrative that takes the audience through the emotional turmoil experienced by the Iranian protagonist. The artwork is presented through a two-channel video and a virtual reality work. In a highly fictionalized and stylized approach, The Fury explores the sexual exploitation of female political prisoners, referencing the Islamic Republic of Iran's brutal treatment of political prisoners.
The Fury, créé par Shirin Neshat, est un récit en deux temps qui embarque le public à travers les bouleversements émotionnels vécus par la protagoniste iranienne. L'œuvre est présentée à partir d'une vidéo à deux canaux et d'une œuvre de réalité virtuelle. Dans une approche hautement fictive et stylisée, The Fury explore le sujet autour de l'exploitation sexuelle des prisonnières politiques, en référence au traitement brutal de ces dernières par la République islamique d'Iran.
By looking west to California, Jean Pfaelzer upends our understanding of slavery as a North-South struggle and reveals how the enslaved in California fought, fled, and resisted human bondage. In unyielding research and vivid interviews, Pfaelzer exposes how California gorged on slavery, an appetite that persists today in a global trade in human beings lured by promises of jobs but who instead are imprisoned in sweatshops and remote marijuana grows, or sold as nannies and sex workers.
Joseph Bell was 26 years old when a California judge sentenced him to life without the possibility of parole (LWOP) for his role in a murder and robbery. He didn’t pull the trigger, but was sentenced to LWOP under the “felony murder rule.”
La mort de Nahel M., abattu par un policier à Nanterre le 27 juin, émeut la presse internationale. Pour ce quotidien de centre gauche allemand, il est grand temps que la France change de cap dans la question récurrente des violences policières. Car, dans l’Hexagone, les forces de sécurité protègent d’abord l’État et non ses citoyens.
Moscow has been accused of abducting and forcibly deporting more than 19,000 Ukrainian children. In what could amount to the most horrific war crimes committed to date, the Russian state is allegedly attempting to turn a generation of Ukrainian children into Russians.
Half of the world’s population still does not have adequate access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) which could have prevented at least 1.4 million deaths and 74 million disability-adjusted life years in 2019, according to the latest report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and an accompanying article published in The Lancet.
Depuis l’invasion de l’Ukraine, l’ONU a recensé 77 exécutions sommaires de civils détenus arbitrairement par la Russie dans les territoires qu’elle occupe, ce qui relève du crime de guerre, selon le Haut-Commissariat aux droits de l’homme.
Argentina's junta used a plane to hurl dissident mothers and nuns to their deaths from the sky. Decades later, it returned home from Florida.
La noche del 26 de junio de 1973, Aurelio González fue el único fotógrafo testigo de la última sesión del Senado uruguayo antes del golpe de Estado. Pasó la madrugada en vela y a la mañana siguiente captó con su cámara la llegada de los tanques al centro de Montevideo. Esta fotogalería recoge algunas de las imágenes que captó del golpe militar y de las protestas en los meses siguientes.
Remembering Edie Windsor, who paved the way for out and proud Americans like me.
South Africa is failing to provide hundreds of thousands of older people access to basic care and support services, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Many face risks to their physical well-being and safety and experience profound distress and fear at the prospect of being forced to live, and die, in an institution.
El expresidente estadounidense reconoce en la conversación que un documento sobre Irán en su poder seguía siendo “altamente confidencial”
La rapporteuse spéciale sur les droits de l’homme et la lutte antiterroriste, Fionnuala Ni Aolain, décrit le traitement des trente derniers détenus de Guantanamo comme étant « cruel, inhumain et dégradant ».
It appears to be the same recording cited by prosecutors in their indictment of the former president.
California owes its origins and sunny prosperity to slavery. Spanish invaders captured Indigenous people to build the chain of Catholic missions. Russian otter hunters shipped Alaska Natives—the first slaves transported into California—and launched a Pacific slave triangle to China. Plantation slaves were marched across the plains for the Gold Rush. San Quentin Prison incubated California’s carceral state. Kidnapped Chinese girls were sold in caged brothels in early San Francisco. Indian...
Unrest follows the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old who apparently failed to obey traffic police.
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