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Il est essentiel que les cibles de Pegasus sachent qui a acheté et utilisé ce logiciel espion contre elles afin de pouvoir demander réparation.
Una corte federal de primera instancia ha ordenado a la empresa israelí de software espía NSO Group que revele a WhatsApp documentos y código relacionado con su célebre software espía Pegasus.
A leaked internal document, known as Directive 24, issued by the Politburo of the Central Committee, flags a threat to national security brought on by Vietnam's growing international ties.
An open internet is a cornerstone of civil society, underpinning access to information in peacetime but even more so in times of conflict and under repressive regimes.
China’s top legislative body adopted amendments to the country’s Law on Guarding State Secrets to include a new category of “work secrets,” broadening the scope of data and information sharing that will be considered a national security risk.
The Quipu Project. (2024, March). Quipu Project / Chaka Studio.
272,000 women and 21,000 men were sterilised in the 90’s in Peru. Thousands have claimed this happened without their consent, but until now they have been repeatedly silenced and denied justice. After almost 20 years their voices can finally be heard through this interactive documentary, which connects a free telephone line in Peru to this website. In Spanish with English written translation
The Archive of the House of the Superior General of the Society of Jesus signs an agreement with the US Holocaust Memorial Museum to digitize archival material related to the Holocaust.
The report cites human rights and humanitarian law violations since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.
La commission vérité et réconciliation a incarné la détermination de la population noire d'Afrique du Sud, à la fois victime et victorieuse, à tourner la page de l’apartheid pour bâtir une nouvelle nation. L’élaboration de la commission ne s’est pas faite en un jour.
On 24 February 2022, Russian armed forces launched a full-scale armed attack on Ukraine. In the two years since, the civilian population in Ukraine has endured immense suffering and harm.
A unique, stunning collection of images of Palestine in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and a testament to the vibrancy of Palestinian society prior to occupation. This book tells the story, in both English and Arabic, of a land full of people—people with families, hopes, dreams, and a deep connection to their home—before Israel’s establishment in 1948, known to Palestinians as the Nakba, or “catastrophe.”
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led to the displacement of thousands of Palestinians from their homes, leaving behind furniture, books, documents, and other items relating to their cultural heritage. These items were captured by the invading Israeli forces and sealed away in their archives and libraries, where they remain to this day. Since this first phase of pillaging in 1948, Israel has continued to sequester away pieces of Palestinian cultural heritage which they collected during...
Les demandes algériennes concernent quatre dossiers liés à la mémoire, dont les archives, les crânes des résistants, les déportés et les essais nucléaires. «La spoliation et le vol des archives étaient systématiques et se sont poursuivis depuis le début de la colonisation jusqu’à l’indépendance», a ndiqué le ministre des Moudjahidine et des Ayants droit, Laïd Rebiga.
Este podcast significa una ampliación significativa de nuestro Archivo. Un documento sonoro que recupera más de veinte testimonios y reconstruye a través de ellos una historia muy poco contada, en donde la Dictadura no termina en 1983, ni los 90s representan pizza y champagne. Siete episodios que recopilan nuestras vivencias, nuestras estrategias, nuestras fiestas, nuestros velorios, nuestras conquistas y nuestras exigencias.
Resource type
- Audio Recording (4)
- Blog Post (5)
- Book (1)
- Journal Article (2)
- Magazine Article (2)
- Newspaper Article (78)
- Report (1)
- Web Page (1)
Publication year
- Between 2000 and 2025 (94)