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The UN Syria Commission of Inquiry welcomesd a landmark order by the International Court of Justice in The Hague binding the Syrian Arab Republic to take all measures within its power to prevent acts of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and ensure that its officials - as well as any organizations or persons under its control, direction or influence - do not commit any such acts.
IOM has signed a cooperation agreement with the Office of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia’s National Identification Program (NIDP) to facilitate access to identification documents for vulnerable migrant returnees, displaced persons and affected communities as a prerequisite for global mobility and development.
‘Women in Revolt!’ puts feminist art from 1970 – 1990 under the spotlight at Tate Britain - Until 2024-04-07 at Tate Britain, London
In a world increasingly driven by information, the role of ‘data’ and ‘statistics’ is guiding decisions, including on population and sustainable development. In Asia and the Pacific, home to 60 per cent of the global population, data are an important foundation of informed policymaking. But does data drive policy development by shedding light on where disparities exist or where progress is slow? Or does a focus on data drive us to prioritize only those issues that can be measured and quantified?
Out Down South: Voices & Portraits of LGBTQ+ Atlanta presents stories of change-making LGBTQ+ Atlantans. The exhibit features the photographs and recorded stories of Atlantans, told in their own words. In Atlanta (Georgia), Exhibition launched in October 2023, at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights
US President Biden issued an Executive Order establishing new standards for AI safety and security, protecting Americans’ privacy, advancing equity and civil rights, standing up for consumers and workers, promoting innovation and competition.
The 2023 International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums will take place October 24-26 at the four-star Omni Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City. Join tribal cultural leaders, federal agencies, funders, and others to discuss the most relevant topics related to preserving and advancing Native languages, culture, and life ways.
The struggle to obtain basic documents, such as birth certificates and ID cards, shapes how much control refugees have over their futures.
The United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (South Sudan, UNISFA) is concerned by disinformation circulating online and on social media
Amid concerns of rights watchdogs, the Kazakh Senate ratified on October 5 an agreement with China on the exchange of personal data of their citizens.
The performances, music, and videos created by the feminist punk art collective Pussy Riot, formed in Moscow in 2011, are characterized by provocative and politically charged lyrics and actions. Pussy Riot has shone a light on the brutal injustices that the Russian state inflicts on its citizens through political imprisonment, arbitrary arrests, extrajudicial executions, mysterious poisonings, aggressive surveillance, and other means of suppressing critical voices. The exhibition runs at the...
Formé à Moscou en 2011, Pussy Riot produit des performances, de la musique et des vidéos qui se caractérisent par des paroles et des actions provocantes. Les membres de Pussy Riot ont mis en lumière les injustices brutales que l’État russe impose à ses citoyens et citoyennes par ses fréquents emprisonnements politiques, ses arrestations arbitraires, ses exécutions extrajudiciaires, ses empoisonnements mystérieux, sa surveillance agressive, sa corruption et d’autres suppressions de voix...
Background Promoting Environmental Democracy: Procedural elements of the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment
The Othering and Belonging Institute’s “Inclusiveness Index” is a holistic gauge of the degree of inclusivity experienced by marginalized groups across the globe. The 2022 index ranks states and countries in absolute and relative terms using a variety of indicators.
En ce XXIe siècle, l'héritage colonial allemand est encore très présent dans l'imaginaire collectif de populations anciennement colonisées principalement. Il est visible à la fois dans la littérature coloniale, les musées, les monuments (y compris les monuments d'honneur ou les mémoriaux) et la photographie coloniale. Ce constat oblige à se pencher sur la question coloniale et d'en souligner la pérennité à travers d'éventuels discours et récits cachés ou occultés dans les représentations et...
ICA SAHR commends the preparation of a comprehensive report by the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment on ‘Promoting Environmental Democracy: procedural elements of the human right to a clean, health and sustainable environment’
The research team, from the University of British Columbia in Canada, want to to interview (in English or Arabic) individuals who verify YouTube videos captured in conflict-affected regions as part of their work in human rights, civil society organizations, or journalism. The research team designed, after two years of research and practice, a novel process to verify citizen journalism videos captured in conflict-affected regions. Their goal is to integrate the verification process of...
The "Ready-Or Not" project funded by the California State Library offers free, on-site emergency preparedness consultations. Consultants address specific organizational concerns and provide tailored assessments to help collections staff meet their preparedness goals. The first training sessions have been recorded and are freely available on-line. The upcoming sessions will also be made available on-line.
Traducción extraoficial de la declaración dada a conocer por la Oficina del Portavoz del Departamento de Estado.
Traducción extraoficial de la declaración dada a conocer por la Oficina del Portavoz del Departamento de Estado.
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (78)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (168)
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