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En la UE ha aumentado la preocupación por el retroceso de las normas que protegen a los periodistas.
Le Parlement européen a adopté mardi sa position sur la loi européenne concernant la liberté de la presse. Les élus veulent protéger la transparence et l’indépendance des médias.
Concerns have been growing in the EU over a backsliding of standards protecting journalists.
Some 4,500 women were fitted with coils as part of attempts to limit the territory's population.
Humanitarian organizations bear the responsibility of ensuring that their systems and procedures for data collection, processing, and utilization align with the best international standards and which data it needs to protect.
GFDRR releases an open data standard to make it easier to publish, access, share, and use quality disaster and climate risk data.
A recent trial of an attack by an Israeli settler on a U.S. citizen shows how difficult it is to obtain justice when harassment and attacks on human rights activists are committed.
The author was shocked to discover forebears who served with the brutal Native Police in the bloodiest years on the frontier. Killing for Country is the result – a soul-searching Australian history.
Dans les communautés de la Colombie-Britannique, des gardiennes et gardiens du savoir s’appuient sur les archives pour façonner une histoire plus inclusive à l’échelle locale.
In community archives across British Columbia, local knowledge keepers are hand-fashioning a more inclusive history.
The book serves as a "how to" guide for evaluating and crafting collection development policies that will help create equity and diversity in library collections.
Rachel Maddow traces, with the help of archival and published material, the fight to preserve American democracy back to World War II, when a handful of committed public servants and brave private citizens thwarted far-right plotters trying to steer our nation toward an alliance with the Nazis.
The Othering and Belonging Institute’s “Inclusiveness Index” is a holistic gauge of the degree of inclusivity experienced by marginalized groups across the globe. The 2022 index ranks states and countries in absolute and relative terms using a variety of indicators.
Upcoming events - Is AI the End of Creativity—Or a New Beginning? | Friday, October 27, 2023 | Los Angeles In-Person | Streaming Online | Alan Turing, the father of computer science, predicted that “at some stage… we should have to expect the machines to take control.” As artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT promise to revolutionize the way we think and work—and futurists talk of the technology as a next step in human evolution—“some stage” appears to be now.
Collaborating with the United Nations can have consequences, some more serious than others. Activists who have dared to denounce human rights abuses in their countries before the UN have faced smear campaigns. They have also been prevented from travelling, jailed or even killed in an attempt to stifle criticism.
On Aug. 28, 1963, Walter Cronkite began his evening news broadcast with a vivid description of the March on Washington. The day would come to be a watershed moment in the equal rights movement for Black Americans - Includes an 18-minute video recording.
El presente libro reúne trabajos de investigadores en humanidades y ciencias sociales atravesados por la cuestión del archivo. Los textos realizan una aproximación contemporánea al problema del archivo y la política, y reflexionan sobre los límites, los alcances y los excesos del archivo como categoría de análisis.
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