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Pierwsza popularna książka o służbach specjalnych PRL. Efekt siedmioletniej pracy naukowej jednego z pierwszych pracowników IPN-u. Pełna wstrząsających faktów, przystępnie napisana, historia służb sp...
This widely acclaimed and highly regarded book, used extensively by students, scholars, policymakers, and activists, now appears in a new third edition. Focusing on the theme of visions seen by those who dreamed of what might be, Lauren explores the dramatic transformation of a world patterned by centuries of human rights abuses into a global community that now boldly proclaims that the way governments treat their own people is a matter of international concern-and sets the goal of human...
From Berlin to Bucharest, from Warsaw to Sofia, Soviet tanks crossed national borders across East Central Europe at the end of the Second World War. The arrival of the Red Army marked an important turn in history. Within only a few years, the often unpopular communist parties developed into political organizations with mass followings. They managed to seize power, eliminate political opposition to their rule, and purge the state apparatus of undesirable personnel. In Securing the Communist...
Read reviews from the world’s largest community for readers. O lucrare de anvergura, volumul de fata examineaza modul in care toate tarile est europene pos…
Die DDR gibt es nicht mehr, aber im Gedächtnis lebt sie weiter, als Schreckensort einer Diktatur, in "ostalgischer" Verklärung und vor allem in Erinnerung an die Mühen um ein aufrechtes Leben in gedrückten Verhältnissen. Fünfzig Publizisten und Zeithistoriker präsentieren die wichtigsten Bezugspunkte der Erinnerung an ein untergegangenes Land.
Read reviews from the world’s largest community for readers. Fara aportul colaboratorilor, Securitatea nu ar fi putut exercita un control atit de strict as…
Procesowy thriller, powieść kryminalna, poradnik jak radzić sobie w sytuacjach ekstremalnych, historia przygodowa stanu wojennego, opowieść o miłości i przyjaźni - książka Małgorzaty Niezabitowskiej ł...
📚 Durante los últimos veinte años Pasado y presente se convirtió en un referente de los estudios sobre La Violencia. Cuando aún no se hablaba entre
In the early 1990s, when Europe ceased to be divided in opposing political blocs, the Council of Europe concluded that access to archives was one of the key issues to be addressed in. order to fortify democracy throughout the continent. Intensive, in-depth preparation led to the drafting of Recommendation No. R (2000) 13 on a European Policy on Access to Archives, the first intergovernmental standard in this field.The recommendation is motivated by the ethical conviction that knowledge of...
The Soviet massacre of Polish prisoners of war at Katyn and in other camps in 1940 was one of the most notorious incidents of the Second World War. The truth about the massacres was long suppressed, both by the Soviet Union, and also by the United States and Britain who wished to hold together their wartime alliance with the Soviet Union. This informative book examines the details of this often overlooked event, shedding light on what took place especially in relation to the massacres at l
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (54)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (12)
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