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In recent years, there has been growing momentum around putting people and communities at the centre of humanitarian action, packaged under a series of Accountability to Affected People (AAP) principles and commitments.
Vanuatu has a new brand identity for climate information – Klaemet Save. This new brand has been developed to focus attention on information products that increase the ability of Vanuatu’s people to plan for and respond to climate impacts.
With the Missing Maps initiative, MSF teams are leveraging spatial data to better evaluate the extent of displacement in the hard-to-reach camps around Goma, DR Congo.
Over 75,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in conflict-afflicted Cabo Delgado Province received birth certificates and new identification cards – critical for their civil rights.
Infographic and dashboard with verified information about the Explosive Ordnance (EO) victims & EO accidents, quantitative and qualitative information indicating the exact coordinates of the incident, information about the injuries received
El primer civil de la dictadura. Los archivos secretos de Álvaro Puga es un proyecto periodístico multimedia que revela, a través del análisis de documentos inéditos, una faceta desconocida del régimen, sus pugnas internas, sus mecanismos de poder y control. A 50 años del golpe de Estado presentamos una investigación exclusiva liderada por Juan Cristóbal Peña.
The ai4lam community is organizing its annual international conference, Fantastic Futures 2023, to be held at the Internet Archive Canada, Vancouver, Canada, on November 15-17 2023. We are bringing together a diverse audience of professionals from libraries, archives, museums (LAMs), heritage organizations, as well as industry, advocacy, and policy groups, interested in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to the work of libraries, memory organizations, scholarship, arts and culture, and information preservation and access.
In the space of the archival encounter is a chance to practice a radically different way of relating with the past and the people who made it.
The USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research is one of the conveners for the conference "Archives in/of Transit: Historical Perspectives from the 1930s to the Present", which will take place at the University of Southern California from June 28 to June 29, 2024.
Au plus fort de la conquête de l'Algérie par la France, plusieurs milliers d'hommes, de femmes et d'enfants, originaires de diverses régions du Maghreb, furent exilés sans procès, ni jugement à l'île Sainte-Marguerite. Emprisonnés au Fort Royal, 274 d'entre eux succombèrent. Ils reposent aujourd'hui dans le cimetière musulman de l'Île Sainte-Marguerite. Découvrez leur histoire.
XIV Congreso de Archivología del Mercosur, tiene como tema central “Los nuevos desafíos de los Archivos y Archivistas en la sociedad de pos pandemia”
The exhibit “Climate Justice” highlights the connections between human rights and climate change, foregrounding youth activism and voices.
After decades of state oppression and denial of workplace rights, 16,000 workers at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk, Poland, went on strike in 1980. Their protest erupted when labour activist Anna Walentynowicz was fired from her shipyard job. The mass strike action inspired the Solidarity movement that united 10 million workers and led to momentous political change. Strength in Numbers demonstrates the power of collective action during one of the largest labour uprisings in modern times.
L’exposition « Justice climatique » met en évidence les liens entre les droits de la personne et le changement climatique, en mettant en valeur le militantisme et les voix des jeunes.
Après des décennies d’oppression par l’État et de déni des droits au travail, environ 16 000 travailleurs et travailleuses du chantier naval Lénine de Gdańsk, en Pologne, ont fait la grève en 1980. Leur protestation a éclaté quand la militante syndicale Anna Walentynowicz a été congédiée de son poste au chantier naval. La grève massive a inspiré le mouvement Solidarité qui rassemblait quelque 10 millions de travailleurs et de travailleuses et a mené à des changements politiques de grande...
El Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos y taller Marca les invitan a la inauguración de “Ninguna calle llevará tu nombre”, sobre afiches de la resistencia en Concepción.
La muerte a tiros de un adolescente de ascendencia argelina y marroquí a manos de un agente de la policía esta semana en un suburbio de París ha suscitado una serie de protestas en todo el país. El gobierno ha respondido con el despliegue de 40.000 policías y unos 875 arrestos para sofocar las movilizaciones, que han hilado ya tres noches consecutivas.
Fearing that black literacy would prove a threat to the slave system, whites in many colonies instituted laws forbidding slaves to learn to read or write and making it a crime for others to teach them.
The Fury, created by Shirin Neshat, is a two-part narrative that takes the audience through the emotional turmoil experienced by the Iranian protagonist. The artwork is presented through a two-channel video and a virtual reality work. In a highly fictionalized and stylized approach, The Fury explores the sexual exploitation of female political prisoners, referencing the Islamic Republic of Iran's brutal treatment of political prisoners.
The Fury, créé par Shirin Neshat, est un récit en deux temps qui embarque le public à travers les bouleversements émotionnels vécus par la protagoniste iranienne. L'œuvre est présentée à partir d'une vidéo à deux canaux et d'une œuvre de réalité virtuelle. Dans une approche hautement fictive et stylisée, The Fury explore le sujet autour de l'exploitation sexuelle des prisonnières politiques, en référence au traitement brutal de ces dernières par la République islamique d'Iran.
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (78)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (168)
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