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Warum ist das Institut für Nationales Gedächtnis – IPN (das Pendant zur Gauck-Behörde) erst 1998 gegründet worden? Welche Zusammenhänge bestehen zwischen dem Verlauf der politischen Wende in Deutschland bzw. in Polen, der Entscheidung über die
Read reviews from the world’s largest community for readers. Este libro constituye una compilación de algunos de los trabajos producidos por el profesor Pé…
Broken glass, twisted beams, piles of debris--these are the early memories of the children who grew up amidst the ruins of the Third Reich. More than five decades later, German youth inhabit manicured suburbs and stroll along prosperous pedestrian malls. <i>Shattered Past</i> is a bold reconsideration of the perplexing pattern of Germany's twentieth-century history. Konrad Jarausch and Michael Geyer explore the staggering gap between the country's role in the terrors of war and its...
Depuis les années 1990, il devient enfin envisageable de juger les responsables contemporains de violations massives des droits de l'homme : la pression des sociétés civiles a permis la création de tribunaux ad hoc (ex-Yougoslavie et Rwanda), la mise en place prochaine d'une Cour pénale internat...
pod red. Pawła Machcewicza i Krzysztofa Persaka, t.1 Studia Publikacja Wokół Jedwabnego, przygotowana przez Biuro Edukacji Publicznej Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, prezentuje wyniki badań naukowych na...
Charles Malik of Lebanon was a key player at the UN in this historical drama that extracted a set of universal human rights out of the chaos of antagonistic ideologies and clashing world-views. This book contains a distillation of his writings, interventions and reflections on the making of the Universal Declaration, the contentious issues grappled with along the way, some of the personalities involved in the process, and the laborious stages of the process itself.
Born of a shared revulsion against the horrors of the Holocaust, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has become the single most important statement of international ethics. It was inspired by and reflects the full scope of President Franklin Roosevelt's famous four freedoms: "the freedom of speech and expression, the freedom of worship, the freedom from want, and the freedom from fear." Written by a UN commission led by Eleanor Roosevelt and adopted in 1948, the Declaration has become...
"Wyman's book is the only one that comprehensively, and sensitively, depicts the plight of the postwar refugees in Western Europe."-M. Mark Stolarik, University of Ottawa "This is a fascinating and very moving book."-International Migration Review "Wyman has written a highly readable account of the movement of diverse ethnic and cultural groups of Europe's displaced persons, 1945-1951. An analysis of the social, economic, and political circumstances within which relocation, resettlement,...
"Wyman's book is the only one that comprehensively, and sensitively, depicts the plight of the postwar refugees in Western Europe."-M. Mark Stolarik, University of Ottawa "This is a fascinating and very moving book."-International Migration Review "Wyman has written a highly readable account of the movement of diverse ethnic and cultural groups of Europe's displaced persons, 1945-1951. An analysis of the social, economic, and political circumstances within which relocation, resettlement,...
This is the first comprehensive history of Jewish negotiations with East Germany regarding restitution and reparations for Nazi war crimes. Angelika Timm analyzes the politics of old and new anti-Semitism and the context in which they grew under the officially propagated ideology of antifascism. Investigating the mass of unpublished, newly available archival data from the United States, Israel, and the former German Democratic Republic, and more than forty personal interviews, Timm fills a...
Il aurait fallu le dire depuis longtemps, le dire haut et fort: en des temps dominés par les lâches et les tueurs, il y eut des individus pour nous permettre de ne pas désespérer de l’humanité, des hommes et des femmes qui n’ont pas hésité à risquer la mort pour sauver des vies. Iréna, polonaise, a sorti du ghetto, à la barbe des Allemands, 2 500 enfants. Berthold, industriel allemand, a entrepris d’embaucher des Juifs dans son usine, les sauvant ainsi des camps de la mort. Des religieuses...
La librairie Gallimard vous renseigne sur Mal d'archive : une impression freudienne de l'auteur DERRIDA JACQUES (9782718607719). Vous êtes informés sur sa disponibilité, son prix, ses données techniques. Vous pouvez le commander en ajoutant ce livre à votre panier.
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- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (54)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (12)
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