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A new Smithsonian book reckons with the enduring legacies of slavery and capitalism
Focuses on the archive as a form of art employed by various groups of the late Soviet underground, aiming to approach old archival materials related to the Soviet cultural underground on a meta-level of analysis to explore unofficial cultures, the history of state socialism, and topics of suppressed cultural memory
The opening of classified documents from the Soviet era has been dubbed the "archival revolution" due to its unprecedented scale, drama, and impact. With a storyteller's sensibility, Cristina Vatulescu identifies and takes on the main challenges of reading in these archives.
Les archives d’une association missionnaire à Rome conservent des lettres de catholiques du Québec datant des 19e et 20e siècles. Ces fidèles offraient un don pour « acheter un petit Chinois », croyant contribuer ainsi à sauver l’’âme d’enfants en besoin de rédemption. Ces histoires intimes révèlent les rapports à la religion, à la colonisation, à soi, à l’autre ? De lettre en lettre, Marie-Louise et les petits Chinois d’Afrique met en lumière un pan de l’histoire du Québec qui s’interprète...
A fresh take on the group of artists known as the Pictures Generation, reinterpreting their work as haunted by the history of fascism, the threat of its return, and the effects of its recurring representation in postwar American culture.
Le comité directeur se réjouit de rendre accessible sur le site de l’AAS le rapport d'Urs Hafner « Ne pas oublier de se souvenir. La protection des données
The conference proceedings APF 2023 focuses on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Security and Privacy and much more.
Quatre-vingts ans après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, nous disposons (enfin) du récit des 2.250 femmes déportées depuis la Belgique vers le camp de Ravensbrück. L’ouvrage de Claire Pahaut porte sur le seul camp de concentration du régime nazi spécifiquement destiné aux femmes.
Quatre-vingts ans après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, nous disposons (enfin) du récit des 2.250 femmes déportées depuis la Belgique vers le camp de Ravensbrück. L’ouvrage de Claire Pahaut porte sur le seul camp de concentration du régime nazi spécifiquement destiné aux femmes.
An inside account of one Luiseño tribe's history and their efforts to be recognized by the United States. In Unrecognized in California, Olivia M. Chilcote, member of the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians of San Diego County, demonstrates how the state's colonial history is foundational to the ongoing crisis over tribal legal status.
The Queer Museum examines how relationships between institutions and LGBTQ+communities function and how they help to define queer museum practice.
Amnesty International has published the book Images of Rebellion, an extraordinary visual compilation that chronicles and celebrates the defiant spirit of civil resistance in Cuba. The book contains a poignant selection of the more than 21,000 letters and drawings sent to Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, Cuban artist and prisoner of conscience, in a global outpouring of support.
Amnesty International lance le livre Imágenes de Rebeldía, un remarquable recueil visuel qui non seulement raconte, mais aussi célèbre l’esprit rebelle de la résistance civique à Cuba. Ce livre rassemble une sélection des plus de 21 000 lettres et dessins de soutien international envoyés à Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, artiste et prisonnier d’opinion cubain.
Amnistía Internacional lanza libro “Imágenes de Rebeldía”, un extraordinario compendio visual que no solo narra, sino que también celebra el espíritu rebelde de la resistencia cívica en Cuba. Este libro recopila una emotiva selección de las más de 21,000 cartas y dibujos de apoyo global enviados a Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, artista y preso de conciencia cubano.
The book, examines the memories of the Partition of India in 1947; uses ethnographic and oral history methods to make meaning of the impact of partition events; argues for particular consideration of women, who were especially vulnerable to suffering during and after partition
Brexit supporters’ frequent targeting of European Union (EU) movers, especially those from Central and Eastern Europe, has been popularly assumed as at odds with the EU project’s foundations based on equality and inclusion. This book dispels that notion. By interrogating the history, wording, omissions, assumptions and applications of laws, policies and discourses pertinent to mobility and equality
This volume is both a study of the history of Polish Jews and Jewish Poland before, during, and immediately after the Holocaust and a collection of personal explorations focusing on the historians who write about these subjects.
With the rise of big data and surveillance capitalism, our privacy is increasingly under threat. But discussions of how to protect privacy are often derailed by disagreements over what exactly it is. In this book, Kieron O'Hara sets out to demystify privacy. He reveals that much of the conflict around it results from taking different perspectives that veil key assumptions and disguise points of agreement.
This book represents a pioneering interdisciplinary effort to analyze Asian civil society under authoritarianism, a regime type that is re-appearing or deepening after several decades of increased political liberalization. The approach is organized in four main themes: actions under political repression, transitions to democracy, uncivil society, political capture and legal control.
This book amplifies the different voices and experiences of those facing gender-based violence (GBV) in the Global South. It explores the localised ways in which marginalised individuals design modes of coping with and address GBV, including cultural interpretations, and artistic and faith-based expressions.
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- Between 2000 and 2025 (41)