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Indigenous idendity - Investigation by CBC revealed details that contradict the songwriter's claims to Indigenous ancestry but Acting chief of Piapot First Nation says "When it comes to Buffy specifically we can't pick and choose which part of our culture we decide to adhere to.… We do have one of our families in our community that did adopt her. Regardless of her ancestry, that adoption in our culture to us is legitimate."
Les entreprises qui gèrent les réseaux sociaux doivent de toute urgence s’attaquer à la vague de haine et de racisme qui déferle en ligne contre les communautés palestinienne et juive, a déclaré Amnesty International
Social media companies must urgently address the fanning of online hate and racism against Palestinian and Jewish communities, Amnesty International said as the conflict in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories escalates further
Más de 200.000 menores habrían sufrido abusos sexuales por parte de religiosos católicos desde 1940, según un primer gran informe independiente sobre este flagelo divulgado el viernes en España, donde por años las víctimas denunciaron opacidad de la Iglesia católica.
Une commission indépendante espagnole a révélé que plus de 200 000 personnes auraient été victimes d'agressions sexuelles de la part de religieux alors qu'elles étaient mineures.
Over 200,000 minors are estimated to have been sexually abused in Spain by the Roman Catholic clergy since 1940, according to an independent commission.
Indigenous idendity - Late 2022, CBC received a tip that Sainte-Marie is not of Cree ancestry but, in fact, has European roots. She is the latest high-profile public figure whose ancestry story has been contradicted by genealogical documentation - the latest chapter in the complex and growing debate around Indigenous identity in Canada.
Researchers are at last revealing how slavery and the slave trade shaped the country’s institutions
The war between Israel and Hamas has generated so much false or misleading information online that even fact-checkers and analysts are having a tough time keeping up. Social media is flooded with misleading posts and artificial intelligence is making things worse.
Amnistía Internacional ha documentado pruebas irrefutables de crímenes de guerra.
After being convicted of murder in 1982, Lindy Chamberlain was exonerated six years later. In these exclusive BBC Archive clips, she describes what it was like to be wrongly accused.
Plus de 2 000 victimes de traite ou d’exploitation des êtres humains ont été enregistrées en France en 2022 d’après un rapport du Service statistique ministériel de la justice (SDSE). Voici sept graphiques pour comprendre qui sont les victimes.
Thirty years after the civil war between the Hutu and Tutsi began in Burundi, nobody has forgotten the atrocities. But the country's current conflict is more political than ethnic.
El proyecto aprobado por el Senado establecía que los pueblos indígenas solo podrían reclamar la propiedad de las áreas que ocupaban de forma permanente antes del 5 de octubre de 1988.
Tandis que les forces israéliennes intensifient leur attaque dévastatrice contre la bande de Gaza occupée, Amnesty International a recueilli des informations sur les attaques israéliennes illégales, notamment menées sans discrimination, qui ont causé d’importantes pertes civiles et doivent faire l’objet d’une enquête pour crimes de guerre.
Amnesty International has documented damning evidence of war crimes.
La Commission internationale indépendante d’enquête sur l’Ukraine a recueilli de nouvelles preuves que les autorités russes ont commis des attaques aveugles et des crimes de guerre tels que la torture, le viol et d’autres violences sexuelles, ainsi que la déportation d’enfants vers la Fédération de Russie.
A new UN report has found continued evidence of war crimes and human rights violations committed by Russian authorities in Ukraine, including torture, rape and the deportation of children.
Five weeks ago, the International Criminal Court detected a serious cyber security incident, thanks to the alert mechanism provided by its monitoring system. The ICC has made various and serious efforts to address this attack. The Court deems it is its responsibility to continue to inform about these efforts and to provide the relevant additional information on the attack itself.
La Policía Federal de Brasil refirió este viernes que durante el mandato del expresidente Jair Bolsonaro, la Agencia Brasileña de Inteligencia (Abin) espió a políticos y periodistas a través de sus dispositivos móviles.
Resource type
- Audio Recording (1)
- Blog Post (3)
- Book (3)
- Newspaper Article (58)
- Video Recording (2)
- Web Page (3)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2023 (70)
Between 2020 and 2025