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Between 2015 and 2020, Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, along with small, local communities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, gained legal recognition to more than 247 million acres of land — an 85 percent increase. That’s according to a new report from Rights and Resources Initiative, a global nonprofit focused on land and resource rights.
Bruselas (EuroEFE).- Una abogada general del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE) concluyó este jueves que es válida la obligación de recogida y de almacenamiento de impresiones dactilares en los documentos de identidad.
Half of the world’s population still does not have adequate access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) which could have prevented at least 1.4 million deaths and 74 million disability-adjusted life years in 2019, according to the latest report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and an accompanying article published in The Lancet.
An independent UN-appointed climate expert on Tuesday called for full legal protection to be given to those displaced by the impacts of climate change, to guarantee their human rights.
Authors of a new report from the the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation and the National Endowment for the Humanities say climate change is the most significant threat in conservation.
L’archiviste Freddy Pahima met à la disposition de la bibliothèque burkinabè une nouvelle œuvre. Il s’agit de « Les archives à l’épreuve du terrorisme en Afrique de l’Ouest ».
Since the establishment of international organisations, women have struggled to get the deserved recognition, pay and respect for their work as civil servants amid historical, cultural and political constraints. A Genevan historian tells us more.
Cada país de la región ha avanzado en su propia ruta para concretar estos derechos, algunos como Perú quedan aún rezagados.
Archives can be—and often are—instrumental in the fight against impunity.
Los archivos pueden ser, y a menudo son, fundamentales en la lucha contra la impunidad.
On World Refugee Day 2023, the numbers of refugees and displaced people worldwide are higher than ever before. FRANCE 24 takes a look at the key figures.
Les États des Amériques doivent se préoccuper de la réduction de l’espace civique dans la région et s’attacher à mettre un terme aux politiques répressives afin de répondre aux revendications sociales de la population du continent, a déclaré Amnesty International dans une lettre ouverte adressée aux chefs d’État participant à la 53e Assemblée générale de l’Organisation des États américains (OEA).
Los Estados de las Américas deben abordar el cierre del espacio cívico en la región y garantizar el fin de políticas represivas para atender las demandas sociales de la población en el continente, dijo Amnistía Internacional hoy en una carta abierta a los y las jefes de Estado que asistirán la 53° Asamblea General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA).
At the Oslo Freedom Forum, dissidents and rights defenders seek solidarity as their movements struggle.
A delegation of African leaders including South African President Cyril Ramaphosa met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Saint Petersburg on Saturday as part of its mission to try to broker peace talks between Moscow and Kyiv. The meeting comes a day after the delegation met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and as Putin confirmed that he has deployed tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus. Read our live blog to see how all the day's events unfolded.
Almost nine out of 10 people hold “fundamental biases” against women, a new UN report has found, decrying a “decade of stagnation” that has led to a dismantling of women’s rights in many parts of the world.
Le manque de données et d'informations fiables sur l'ampleur de la violence sexiste à l'égard des personnes âgées est un obstacle majeur à la lutte efficace contre cette violation flagrante des droits de l'homme dans toutes les sociétés, a déclaré un groupe d'experts des droits de l'homme de l'ONU.
EU: European Parliament adopts ban on facial recognition but leaves migrants, refugees and asylum seekers at risk. Responding to the European Parliament’s decision to ban invasive mass surveillance technologies in its Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), Mher Hakobyan, Advocacy Advisor on AI Regulation said: “We welcome the European Parliament’s decision to adopt a ban on abusive mass surveillance technology in today’s landmark vote. However, it is essential the Parliament and EU Member...
En réaction à la décision du Parlement européen d’interdire les technologies intrusives de surveillance de masse dans le cadre de la loi réglementant l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle (loi sur l’IA), Mher Hakobyan, conseiller en matière de plaidoyer sur la réglementation de l’intelligence artificielle à Amnesty International, a déclaré : « Nous saluons la décision du Parlement européen, qui a adopté une interdiction des technologies abusives de surveillance de masse lors du vote crucial de ce jour.
En respuesta a la decisión del Parlamento Europeo de prohibir las tecnologías de vigilancia masiva en su Ley de Inteligencia Artificial (Ley de IA), Mher Hakobyan, asesor para el trabajo de incidencia sobre la regulación de la inteligencia artificial, ha manifestado: “Acogemos con satisfacción la decisión del Parlamentos Europeo de prohibir las tecnologías de vigilancia masiva abusivas en la votación histórica de hoy. No obstante, es esencial que el Parlamento y los Estados miembros de la UE...
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