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In this report, Amnesty International provides new information exposing the link between Myanma Economic Holdings Public Company Ltd (MEHL) and military units that are implicated in crimes under international law and other serious human rights violations. This information has implications for MEHL’s many foreign and local business partners. By doing business with the conglomerate, they […]
For several decades, Japan kept in place significant self-imposed constraints on its security policy even as its economy grew tremendously. While it has been argued that Japan refrained from enacting security policy change because of strong domestic pacifist or anti-militarist sentiments, recently, radical policy changes have nonetheless taken place. How can these changes be understood? The existing explanations typically see them as a response to objectively existing or constructed external...
This article analyses the journey of the so-called Izieu telegram–atelegram sent by Nazi perpetrator Klaus Barbie to report the raidof a Jewish children’s home in France to his superiors–from itscreation to its use in multiple transitional justice mechanisms,including an international military tribunal, domestic trials inFrance, and various memorialisation projects. In doing so weapply the concepts of activation and the records continuumapproach, both borrowed from archival studies...
In family settings stories, photographs and memory objects support narratives of identity and belonging. Such resources are often missing for people who were in care as children. As a result, they may be unable to fill gaps in their memories or answer simple questions about their early lives. In these circumstances, they turn to the records created about them by social workers and care providers to reconstruct personal histories. Research suggests that thousands of requests to view records...
In 2019, there were over 75,000 children and young people in out-of-home care in England and Wales. Recent estimates suggest that up to half a million British people were in state or voluntary care as children, around 1% of the adult population. While individual experiences vary enormously by time and place, care-experienced people share in common the intensive documentation of their lives by social workers, educators, health professionals and associated practitioners. A complex, fragmented...
Inicio Formación y Recursos Jornadas y Congresos Jornadas y Congresos Descarga el programa en pdf Jornadas sobre Inteligencia Artificial y Archivos Código: 2022001JOR Lugar: Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Fecha: 19 y 20 de octubre de 2022 Entidad organizadora: Archiveros Españoles en la Función Pública (AEFP) Entidad colaboradora: Facultad de […]
Libro Memoria histórica desde el ámbito territorial facebook twitter whatsapp El presente documento de orientaciones se concentra en los instrumentos contemplados por la Ley de Víctimas y Restitución de Tierras (ley 1448 de 2011) referentes a la realización del derecho a la verdad, así como en aquellos relacionados con la reparación simbólica a través de …
Oitenta anos depois da composição dessas teses impressiona a absoluta atualidade delas. A necessidade de se repaginar a história do ponto de vista dos vencidos é imperativa. Ela deve estar na base de qualquer projeto digno de um viver em comum que vise nos catapultar para fora desse nosso momento histórico de triunfo do neocolonialismo, do negacionismo da crise ambiental, da homofobia, da misoginia, do racismo, de fobia à política, à democracia e aos direitos humanos.Se revisionistas...
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