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There is already clear evidence that war crimes may have been committed in the latest explosion of violence in Israel and Gaza, and all those who have violated international law and targeted civilians must be held accountable for their crimes.
Shocking spyware attacks have been attempted against civil society, journalists, politicians and academics in the European Union (EU), USA and Asia, according to a major new investigation by Amnesty International.
Des membres de la société civile, des journalistes, des personnalités politiques et des universitaires dans l’Union européenne (UE), aux États-Unis et en Asie ont été les cibles d’attaques révoltantes menées au moyen d’un logiciel espion.
Una nueva e importante investigación de Amnistía Internacional revela escandalosos intentos de ataque con software espía contra la sociedad civil, periodistas, figuras políticas e intelectuales en la Unión Europea (UE), Estados Unidos y Asia.
This is the sixth trial in Belgium's capital linked to the 1994 genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda that killed hundreds of thousands of people.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) hearings on October 10 and 11, 2023 on state-sponsored torture in Syria since 2011 are critically important for advancing justice.
Ahead of World Mental Health Day, the World Health Organization and the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights are launching a new guidance, entitled “Mental health, human rights and legislation: guidance and practice”, to support countries to reform legislation in order to end human rights abuses and increase access to quality mental health care.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud y la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos lanzan conjuntamente una nueva publicación titulada Salud mental, derechos humanos y legislación: orientaciones y prácticas, con la que pretenden ayudar a los países a reformar su legislación para poner fin a las violaciones de los derechos humanos y mejorar el acceso a una atención de salud mental de calidad.
À l’approche de la Journée mondiale de la santé mentale, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé et le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme lancent une publication axée sur la santé mentale, les droits humains et la législation, proposant des orientations et décrivant les pratiques en la matière, pour aider les pays à réformer leur législation afin de mettre fin aux atteintes aux droits humains et à améliorer l’accès à des soins de santé mentale de qualité.
En Angola, suite à une nouvelle controverse quant à une enquête visant l'ancienne guérilla UNITA, la politisation du processus de réconciliation pose question.
Documentary Letters From Drancy is named for the letters Alice Deichmann sent from an internment camp
The Dutch Royal household has confirmed that Prince Bernhard - prince consort for decades after World War II and husband of former Queen Juliana - was a member of the Nazi party.
Esta semana el gobierno colombiano realizó un acto de petición de perdón público por la muerte de miles de jóvenes que fueron ejecutados extrajudicialmente por el ejército.
The extermination campaigns against the Yuki people, sparked by the California Gold Rush and statehood, weren’t termed genocide until the mid 1970s.
The International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) has delivered a week-long data management training program at its Headquarters in The Hague to representatives of the Main Investigation Department (MID) of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU)
El gobierno neerlandés confirmó que el difunto príncipe consorte tenía entre sus pertenencias un documento que prueba su afiliación al partido de Adolf Hitler en Alemania.
While EU legislators debate between opt-in and opt-out options for the secondary use of health data under the European Health Data Space (EHDS) proposal, harmonising GDPR across the bloc could provide a solution.
Il est logique de qualifier la sécurité sociale de « pierre angulaire » des droits humains, car de nombreux autres droits en dépendent, comme le droit à l'éducation ou à la santé.
‘Geofence warrants’ tied a man in the wrong place at the wrong time to a crime he didn’t commit – is he the only one?
This October, a fishing town on the Danish Riviera remembers one of the greatest collective acts of resistance of World War Two: its role in the flight and escape of the Danish Jews.
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