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Global: New technology and AI used at borders increases inequalities and undermines human rights of migrants
In 1904, nearly 1,200 Filipinos were brought to the U.S. to take part in the World’s Fair in St. Louis. Some worked as guides, but others were put on display. More than a century later, a new exhibit explores the impact in St. Louis and beyond. Communities correspondent Gabrielle Hays reports.
Some of Sebastian Corral’s memories have faded. But the 91-year-old remembers his 1953 arrival in the US as if it were yesterday. He is one of the last surviving participants in a US program some described as ‘legalized slavery’
A graphic novel investigating Indigenous identity in Canada has prompted outrage from Métis groups, who say the book undermines their history and represents an attack on their sovereignty.
The log book containing the confession of a suspect in the case filed over the assassination attempt on then Defence Ministry Secretary, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, has gone missing at the police archives.
Souligne l’arrêt Brown vs Board of Education qui a mis fin en 1954 à la ségrégation scolaire aux États-Unis.
Daily attacks by the Russian military in Ukraine have damaged dozens of towns and villages in the south and east of the country but also in central areas - including the city of Dnipro, which was shelled again early this Friday, UN humanitarians said.
Les Kanaks craignent d'être de nouveau mis de côté, malgré le processus de décolonisation.
Tunisia’s authorities must immediately end this vicious campaign and halt all reprisals against NGO workers providing essential support, including shelter, to migrants and refugees.
Au cours des deux dernières semaines, le gouvernement tunisien a mené une campagne répressive sans précédent contre les migrant·e·s, les réfugié·e·s et les défenseur·e·s des droits humains s’efforçant de protéger leurs droits, ainsi que contre des journalistes, a déclaré Amnesty International jeudi 16 mai.
House Republicans seek recordings of classified documents case interviews, in what Democrats call a ‘purely political’ move
La France a imposé mercredi l’état d’urgence en Nouvelle-Calédonie en réponse à des protestations à grande échelle qui ont tourné à l’affrontement, faisant au moins quatre morts, dont un gendarme, et des centaines de blessés. Un projet de réforme électorale piloté de Paris a entraîné une « explosion » qui menaçait depuis longtemps de se produire au sein de la population kanake.
A Swiss court’s conviction of the former Gambian Interior Minister Ousman Sonko for crimes against humanity is monumental for Gambian victims of atrocity crimes during the rule of Yahya Jammeh. The verdict is a major achievement for Switzerland’s efforts to hold accountable those responsible for grave crimes committed abroad.
Durante las últimas 48 horas, Nueva Caledonia ha estado asolada por una violencia sin precedentes desde la guerra civil de los años ochenta. La reforma constitucional sobre la apertura del electorado, ahora aprobada por la Asamblea Nacional, está en el origen de la protesta: los separatistas la rechazan y temen una "recolonización" del archipiélago. Desde la noche del lunes 13 de mayo, las manifestaciones se han salido de control y ya han dejado dos muertos.
Three people have been killed in New Caledonia during rioting that broke out after France's National Assembly approved changes to voting rules. Many injuries were reported in the worst unrest the Pacific island has seen since the 1980s.
Une exposition présentée jusqu'au 10 novembre 2024 au Musée de la Ville d'Amsterdam retrace l'histoire d'Autochtones victimes il y a 400 ans de la conquête néerlandaise.
This damaging bill contravenes Georgia’s international obligations on the rights to freedom of expression and association and strikes at the heart of the civil society’s ability to operate freely and effectively
Le parti au pouvoir en Géorgie a passé en force cette loi délétère, qui piétine les droits fondamentaux de tous en Géorgie.
His studio was flattened, he has had to move his family 10 times, and they now share a house with 25 others. But still Maisara Baroud finds a way to document the fear and destruction he sees all around
McBride, who pleaded guilty to stealing commonwealth information and passing it to the ABC, receives non-parole jail term of 27 months
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