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El presidente de Guatemala, Bernardo Arévalo, informó este viernes que convocó a la fiscal general, Consuelo Porras, a una reunión para rendir un informe sobre temas que calificó como “de preocupación para esta Presidencia: derechos humanos, libertad de expresión, proceso de compras de vacunas contra el covid-19 y protocolos de actuación del Ministerio Público de Guatemala
The Patawomeck Indian Tribe has been fighting to gain federal recognition from the US government for more than a decade. The tribe says the designation is critical to preserving its cultural traditions.
On January 14, unknown assailants attempted to break into the Kyiv apartment of Ukrainian journalist Yurii Nikolov, co-founder and editor of anti-corruption media investigative project Nashi Groshi (Our Money).
Lawsuit alleges that office of Jefferson parish district attorney is violating state public records laws by setting such a high price.
The evidence shows a far more intensive investigation was under way inside the government about Israel’s compliance with international law than suggested by the foreign secretary.
No Justice for Suspicious Death; Detainee journalist Dieudonné Niyonsenga Denounces Torture in Court
Absence de justice pour une mort suspecte ; le journaliste Dieudonné Niyonsenga détenu dénonce des actes de torture devant un tribunal
Employees fretted over company’s ‘negligible’ response to child grooming, according to internal documents made public in lawsuit.
Tech giant said it would delete entries for locations deemed ‘personal’ or sensitive, but 18 months later, it’s still retaining data in some cases.
The Spanish government agreed on Tuesday to release secret documents on the tapping of the mobile phone of Catalan President and leader of the separatist party ERC Pere Aragonés by agents of the state-run National Intelligence Centre (CNI) using the Israeli spying software Pegasus, a scandal known as “Catalan Gate”.
The Supreme Court has ruled that Barita Investments Limited must comply with an Integrity Commission (IC) request for financial information on 151 current and former public officials.
Tras siete años encarcelada por una emergencia obstétrica, la jueza anula la sentencia por la vulneración de garantías procesales. Desde 2014, 73 mujeres fueron puestas en libertad, pero 11 procesos penales siguen abiertos por aborto
La Clínica Internacional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género (HRGJ) y el Fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional, Sr. Karim A.A. Khan KC se complace en anunciar una nueva iniciativa para promover la rendición de cuentas por el crimen de lesa humanidad de persecución por motivos de género.
The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, announced a new initiative to advance accountability for the crime against humanity of persecution on the grounds of gender. This initiative will culminate in a comprehensive set of principles on gender persecution to provide guidance for increasing its prevention, and ensuring protection and participation of its survivors.
Minister with responsibility for Information, Robert Morgan, says the Government sees internet access as a human right that should be available to citizens wherever they reside.
Lebanese authorities should immediately release Hannibal Gaddafi, a son of Libya’s former leader, who has been held in pre-trial detention on spurious charges since his arrest in December 2015.
The Canadian Liberal government led efforts to weaken the original draft United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, working secretly with Australia to develop a watered-down, state-friendly substitute in the early 2000s, newly released documents show.
The Canadian Liberal government led efforts to weaken the original draft United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, working secretly with Australia to develop a watered-down, state-friendly substitute in the early 2000s, newly released documents show.
Le Canada a dirigé des manœuvres pour réduire la portée de la Déclaration des Nations unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones (DNUDPA). Ottawa a travaillé en secret avec l’Australie pour produire un texte alternatif édulcoré au début des années 2000, démontrent des documents du gouvernement australien.
Le Canada a dirigé des manœuvres pour réduire la portée de la Déclaration des Nations unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones (DNUDPA). Ottawa a travaillé en secret avec l’Australie pour produire un texte alternatif édulcoré au début des années 2000, démontrent des documents du gouvernement australien.
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Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2024 (77)
Between 2020 and 2025
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- yes (77)