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Libro escolar falsifica información sobre la invasión a Ucrania y los crímenes de Stalin
The Trudeau government has a lot to do in explaining why numerous immigrants of questionable and troubling backgrounds were allowed into Canada after World War II.
Upcoming events - Is AI the End of Creativity—Or a New Beginning? | Friday, October 27, 2023 | Los Angeles In-Person | Streaming Online | Alan Turing, the father of computer science, predicted that “at some stage… we should have to expect the machines to take control.” As artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT promise to revolutionize the way we think and work—and futurists talk of the technology as a next step in human evolution—“some stage” appears to be now.
Building the South-South Feminist Archive: An Interview with Ghiwa Sayegh of Kohl Journal
Pour chaque diocèse, les historiens de l’Université de Zurich ont fait un état des lieux de la tenue des archives ordinaires et des archives secrètes. Le bilan est mitigé entre très bon et médiocre. Mais tous ont manifesté une volonté explicite de collaboration.
Le rapport du projet pilote sur l’histoire des abus sexuels dans l’Église suisse a permis de dénombrer, entre 1950 et 2022, 1’002 cas d’abus sexuels sur 921 victimes pour 510 auteurs. Selon les historiens, il ne pourrait s’agir là que de la partie émergée de l’iceberg. La faillite de l’institution et les négligences des évêques dans la gestion des abus sont pointées du doigt.
What is more worrying is the fact that much of the so-called 'offending' content is mere reports and opinion pieces deemed critical of the government.
How do you handle racist language in your archives? This is, unfortunately, a perennial issue. The Archives for Black Lives group in 2019 published Anti-Racist Description Resources. While you should read the whole thing (especially if you have materials pertaining to slavery), the blog author pulled out some practical bits.
The ongoing disputes among Kurdish languages and their lack of standardization create obstacles to accessing online information, impedes the flow of information, and curtails active participation in the digital realm.
Recently, there has been a uproar on social media about the location of The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)’s World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) in 2024. Set to occur in Dubai. What is not talked about as much is the congress/conference of the International Council on Archives (ICA) in Abu Dhabi, the UAE capital, set for October 9 to October 13.
Upcoming Events - How Should Societies Remember Their Sins? | Friday, October 27, 2023 | Los Angeles In-Person | Streaming Online | Attempts to confront difficult history appear to be dividing the United States and entangling communities in cultural and legal conflict. But historians, social justice activists, and many others argue that grappling with the sins of the past, and the way they reverberate into the present, is a necessary foundation for reimagining the future. What are the best...
Data responsibility is the safe, ethical, and effective management of personal and non-personal data for operational response and is therefore central to the humanitarian system’s Accountability to Affected People (AAP).
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is now accepting proposals for the 2024 Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility in Libraries & Archives (IDEAL) Conference, to be held July 15–17, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The conference theme is Sustainable Resistance and Restoration in Global Communities. Proposals should consider how the content of the session connects to the larger landscape of diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and justice (DEIA/J) and how the session reasonably engages adult learners.
Exactly 66 years ago, in August 1957, the CIA released its secret report “Resistance Factors and Special Forces Areas. Ukraine.” This voluminous 200-page “work,” which resembled a doctoral dissertation, was prepared for the US intelligence community by staff members of Georgetown University. Despite its academic content, the CIA report is a detailed manual for the occupation of the Ukrainian territory by the Special Forces.
Extraterritorial human rights obligations are contentious. In the UK, for example, the ECtHR’s findings that armed forces deployed abroad have human rights obligations have met with criticism. Extraterritoriality is also routinely named as one of the most difficult aspects of the next generation of potentially groundbreaking human rights litigation: climate cases.
Upcoming events at Zócalo Public Square 2023-08-23: The Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel did not believe in collective guilt. Instead, he asked for repair, and for holding the post-World War II generation of Germans responsible “not for the past, but for the way it remembers the past. And for what it does with the memory of the past.” Other societies and communities have taken up Wiesel’s call—at the national level, South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Argentina’s efforts to...
ChatGPT y la inteligencia artificial generativa (IA) dominan los titulares y las conversaciones. Pero, ¿qué hay detrás de esta tecnología? ¿Quién la alimenta de datos y decide de dónde proceden? ¿Qué tiene que ver con los derechos humanos?
I am pleased to announce the launch of OTPLink, a new application for online and email-based evidence submissions by all external stakeholders and witnesses to my Office. OTPLink will provide a clear, single-access point, replacing various systems and processes that were previously in use for the receipt of information, including submissions pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute.
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