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Malgré un accord de paix, la justice transitionnelle en Éthiopie est en échec et les violences continuent. L'Europe et les États-Unis ont-ils abandonné la justice au profit d'intérêts politiques stratégiques ?
El ministro de Justicia, Luis Cordero, dio a conocer los resultados de la revisión especial que se encargó a los procesos seguidos por la Unidad de Derechos Humanos del SML, y que incluyó un detallado estudio de lo ocurrido con osamentas enviadas a la Universidad de Chile entre 2001 y 2002.
Paris livre ses archives classifiées à la commission d’historiens des deux pays chargée de « faire la lumière » sur le rôle de la France dans la violente répression ayant visé les indépendantistes puis l’opposition au Cameroun avant et après son indépendance.
The Allied tribunal in postwar Tokyo was modelled on the one in Nuremberg. If the Nuremberg trial was questionable in some respects, the trial of Japanese wartime leaders in Tokyo was far more dubious. John Dower, the finest American historian of modern Japan, called the Tokyo trial “a murky reflection of its German counterpart.”
L'arrestation de Pinochet en 1998 a été un moment décisif pour la justice internationale mais aussi pour la justice au Chili. Aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, ses crimes continuent d'être jugés.
The Osage murders of the 1920s are just one episode in nearly two centuries of stealing land and resources from Native Americans. Much of this theft was guided and sanctioned by federal law.
Thousands of people were imprisoned and shot by the Franco dictatorship between 1939 and 1944. Their letters home form a moving memorial to their bravery
Census categories for race and ethnicity have shaped how the nation sees itself. Here’s how they have changed over the last 230 years.
Dans le cadre du "Projet Rafael", France 24 s’est associé à une trentaine de médias coordonnés par l’organisation Forbidden Stories pour poursuivre les enquêtes du journaliste colombien Rafael Moreno.
Australia overwhelmingly voted against enshrining an Indigenous voice to parliament to advise policy and lawmakers on issues affecting First Nations people. Just 40% of Australians voted in favour while indigenous communities overwhelmingly voted yes
The American Museum of Natural History holds 12,000 bodies — but they don’t want you to know whose.
The country has overwhelmingly voted No to a proposal aimed at elevating First Nations voices.
The Voice to Parliament has failed. What does this mean for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?
The dangers of digital colonisation may not be obvious yet because, on the surface, technology seems to be advancing our reo and our connections instead of suppressing them.
The Ni'isjoohl memorial pole has been returned to Canada after being stolen by the British in 1928. Here, it will live out its days alongside hundreds of other appropriated items.
En Ecuador el voto es obligatorio y el certificado de votación es casi tan importante como la cédula de identidad.
Christine Bard est historienne, spécialiste de l’histoire des femmes, du genre, du féminisme et de l’antiféminisme. Elle préside l’association Archives du féminisme et copréside l’Association pour un musée des Féminismes. Christine Bard a codirigé l’ouvrage « Les féministes et leurs archives », paru en 2023 aux Presses universitaires de Rennes. Retrouvez le podcast en fin d'article.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict was reignited once again after a surprise offensive launched by Hamas against Israel. In retaliation, Israel ordered air strikes and a "complete siege" of the Gaza Strip, the Hamas-run Palestinian enclave.
A Moscow court found Oleg Orlov, a leading Russian human rights defender, guilty on on charges of “discrediting” the military by speaking out against the war in Ukraine and sentenced him to a 150-ruble (approx. 1,500 USD) fine.
The struggle to obtain basic documents, such as birth certificates and ID cards, shapes how much control refugees have over their futures.
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