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"I am what I am, so take me as I am."
MBIE releases list of employers caught out ripping off workers and rorting the law.
Hungary must provide food to rejected asylum seekers held in detention camps on its border who are appealing the decision, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) said on Thursday.
Lawyers for Herero and Nama people and for the German government present argument in lawsuit demanding reparations.
Police raids revealed boxes of papers detailing investigations led by the Catholic church against five priests suspected of sexual abuse.
A trial that should have exposed a terror network, instead revealed the limitations of the judicial system and how movements can fight back.
In the case of ML and WW v Germany ([2018] ECHR 554) (available only French), the Fifth Section of the Court of Human Rights dismissed an Article 8 “right to be forgotten” application i…
The revival of Tunisia's traditional heritage is creating new opportunities for cultural tourism, says Isabel Putinja
The right to drive is only one small step toward full legal equality.
Four retired senior members of the Guatemalan military—including two high-ranking officers previously thought to be untouchable, former Army Chief of Staff Benedicto Lucas García and former chief of military intelligence Manuel Callejas y Callejas—were convicted today in Guatemala of involvement in
This is the second blogpost in a series on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, co-authored by: Christiaan van Veen (Center for Human…
Storing your files in the cloud means that you're placing them outside of the laws and regulations you may be used to. Different countries have very different ideas about how data should be treated; in this article we go over some of the most important differences between countries and tries to make sense of cloud law.
Por Simón Antonio Ramón Cinco militares del alto mando del ejército y la G-2 de 1981 enfrentan juicio oral y público por la detención clandestina y violación sexual contra Emma Guadalupe Molina Theissen y la desaparición forzada de su hermano Marco Antonio. Estos hechos ocurrieron del 27 de septiembre al 6 de octubre 1981, por ... <a title="La conspiración y persecución del Estado contra la familia Molina Theissen" class="read-more"...
“Lo más importante para nosotros es que Ríos Montt se murió en manos de la justicia, o sea, huyendo de la justicia. Y logramos la sentencia y la desclasificación de los documentos militares y ese es un paso muy importante”, afirma Antonio Caba, sobreviviente de la masacre de la aldea Ilom, en Chajul, Quiché. Tenía once años cuando el Ejército arrasó con todo. Años más tarde, encontró en una exhumación los restos de sus familiares. Vio sus huesos, reconoció la ropa, recordó el dolor del...
(Jakarta)—Indonesian authorities should immediately and unconditionally release four people detained in Aceh under a local ordinance that criminalizes same-sex conduct.
In November 2017, nine governments of the United Nations urged the Czech Republic to provide compensation to women – in particular Romani women and women
Last month, a local California newspaper left more than 19 million voter records exposed online. Gizmodo confirmed this week that the records were compromised during an apparent ransomware attack.
Survivors and experts say the treatment at the second-largest Indian hospital in Canada was allegedly harsh and abusive, and claim patients weren't told why they were being physically restrained and sometimes held for many years.
The two envelopes, one for each twin brother, arrived in the mailbox on the same day in March of last year.