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The expulsion is largely forgotten today, except by the Ugandan Asians themselves and their descendants who have spread across the world
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is the preeminent international instrument elaborating on the rights of Indigenous peoples. It contains the minimum standards for the survival, dignity and well-being of Indigenous peoples all over the world. As a consequence, the Declaration provides a blueprint for Indigenous peoples, governments and other third parties around the world to respect the rights and roles of Indigenous peoples within society. At its core, the...
The phrase “peace, order and good government,” common to the definition of federal powers in both the Australian and the Canadian constitutions, has defined the relationship of the Crown and the citizen for more than five centuries. The archival record is fundamental to that relationship, providing its authoritative legal basis, documenting its evolution and continuing as a reminder of both our proudest achievements and our most dismal failures as a society. This paper reflects on the role...
This article highlights the extent to which international law has changed rapidly in recent years in relation to the rights of Indigenous peoples generally, and in particular how this impacts upon the legal status of traditional knowledge and culture. It reviews the recognition of the unique legal status of Māori in Aotearoa and Aboriginal peoples in Canada in relation to selfdetermination and how their changing place within these nations are affecting the operations of museums, libraries...
The rise of China presents a long-term challenge to the world not only economically, but politically and culturally. Callahan meets this challenge in China: The Pessoptimist Nation by using new Chinese sources and innovative analysis to see how Chinese people understand their new place in the world.To chart the trajectory of its rise, the book shifts from examining China's national interests to exploring its national aesthetic. Rather than answering the standard social science question "what...
The state of the public sector in South Africa is heavily influenced by particular histories of state administration related to the legacy of apartheid and the nature of the political transition to democracy. We suggest, however, that there is a paucity of scholarly work in the discipline of Public Administration which takes into account this legacy and the manner in which the public sector is embedded in broader social, political and economic relations. This has had significant consequences...
ISO 16363:2012 defines a recommended practice for assessing the trustworthiness of digital repositories. It is applicable to the entire range of digital repositories. ISO 16363:2012 can be used as a basis for certification.
El informe recoge las reflexiones más sobresalientes tras siete años de investigación en distintas regiones del país y la publicación de 20 informes sobre casos específicos. Es una apuesta narrativa con la que el Grupo pretende visibilizar las voces de las víctimas en la construcción de un relato nacional sobre la historia del conflicto.
Apresenta problematização e resultados parciais de estudo que se insere em debate em curso na Ciência da Informação, envolvendo a delimitação de seu objeto central: a informação – em suas variadas conceituações – ou o documento – em sua materialidade, da ordem da institucionalidade e gerador de efeitos sociais (Frohmann). A pesquisa, de cunho teórico- conceitual, testa o conceito/hipótese de modo de acreditação e distribuição social de saberes, fundado na divisão de Nora entre sociedades de...
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