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L'archidiocèse de Saint-Jean à Terre-Neuve devra payer 104 millions $ aux 292 victimes d'abus sexuels dont la majorité l'a été à l'orphelinat Mount Cashel.
Le parlement péruvien a adopté jeudi un projet de loi qui prescrit les poursuites pour crimes contre l’humanité commis avant 2002, ce qui pourrait profiter à l’ex-président Alberto Fujimori et à des centaines d’anciens soldats accusés d’exactions.
Le président brésilien Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva a ordonné jeudi le rétablissement d’une commission d’enquête sur les crimes politiques commis durant la dictature militaire (1964-1985).
L'extrême droite a déjà, à plusieurs reprises, exercé le pouvoir en France, à la faveur de crises aiguës, conjuguant effondrement national, crise institutionnelle et divisions sociales et politiques. Naturellement, la droite extrême a pris, depuis deux siècles, des visages, des formes et des incarnations variées en fonction des contextes sociaux intérieurs et de la situation internationale.
Palgrave Studies in Queer Literary, Visual and Material Cultures tests, contests and expands the boundaries of queer studies in global and transnational contexts and across historical periods. We welcome titles that bring “queer” cultures and sexualities into conversation with related areas of enquiry, especially critical race theory, trans studies, disability studies, feminist theory, eco-criticism, post-colonial theory, and Marxist theory.
Although there is now a wide body of public information about residential schools, many people continue to have limited knowledge about them. That provides fertile ground for misinformation.
The department restored more than 2,000 missing discipline records to its public database of uniformed officers, weeks after ProPublica revealed data reliability issues. But it also removed case numbers, making future oversight more difficult.
Brazil’s National Data Protection Authority issued a preliminary ban on Meta's use of personal data of users based in Brazil to train its artificial intelligence (AI) systems.
The foundational myth of America’s National Parks is one of heroic preservation of “pristine wilderness” — but places like Yosemite were already home to thriving communities that cherished the environment around them.
La Cour suprême japonaise a jugé mercredi inconstitutionnelle la loi aujourd’hui caduque ayant conduit à la stérilisation forcée de milliers de personnes dans l’archipel nippon, une victoire majeure pour les victimes.
The German government has for the first time in 120 years admitted that the 1904-1908 massacre that killed more than 60 000 Nama and Herero people should be classified as a genocide.
Statistics Poland and WHO have teamed up to explore ways to tackle data limitations in the context of the Ukrainian refugee crisis. In 2022 they conducted the first study to cover a representative sample of Ukrainian refugees in Poland, using mixed methods to unveil not just the numbers but also the human narratives behind the refugee crisis.
Sudanese families are using WhatsApp voice notes to record their experiences of conflict, coordinate evacuation efforts and keep in touch with family around the world. The collective archive represented by the voice notes offers an opportunity to share Sudanese narratives about conflict, personal histories and culture with the rest of the world.
Data privacy advocates fear a testing ground for mass religious surveillance.
Video footage released by Al Jazeera TV shows the Israeli army using detained Palestinian civilians as human shields and compelling them to enter dangerous combat zones—evidence of a systematic tactic of the army. There are numerous documented instances of civilians being used as human shields by Israeli forces, which is considered a war crime.
The Center for Latino and Latin American Studies at Northern Illinois University invites you to submit proposals for its sixth annual interdisciplinary conference, Treinta y tres, to be held on November 21-22, 2024.
A fresh take on the group of artists known as the Pictures Generation, reinterpreting their work as haunted by the history of fascism, the threat of its return, and the effects of its recurring representation in postwar American culture.
Legal revisions aim to "improve the ability for emergency prevention and response" and refine how information is disseminated about natural disasters, accidents and public health emergencies.
A list compiled by spymaster Robert Cecil gives an insight into the beginnings of the secret service.
Book says one of Australia’s most eminent scientists promoted discussion of eugenics in the 1960s and 70s, but not that he supported racist ideas – and researchers praise his thorough commitment to reconciliation and racial justice.
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