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The Jamaica Archives and Records Department (JARD) is observing Records and Information Management (RIM) month in April, with a focus on increasing awareness about the importance of accurate records management in providing holistic solutions to the impact of climate-change.
A former general accused of ordering the murder of more than 1,200 indigenous Ixil Maya people during Guatemala's civil war has gone on trial.
La victoria del pueblo vietnamita en Dien Bien Phu es un símbolo del movimiento de la liberación de los pueblos coloniales y oprimidos del mundo, afirmó el profesor argentino Ezequiel Ramoneda.
La presentación fue hecha por la legisladora Victoria Montenegro ante el relator de Naciones Unidas Fabián Salvioli.
Au moins 800 000 personnes massacrées en cent jours, entre avril et juillet 1994. Depuis, la justice nationale a jugé plus d’un million de personnes. Le temps du châtiment a passé. Et les Rwandais ont dû réapprendre le « vivre ensemble ». Notre correspondant en a interrogé certains sur le sens et la réalité de cette « réconciliation ».
At least 800,000 people were massacred in 100 days, between April and July 1994. Since then, the national justice system has tried over a million people. The time for retribution has passed. And Rwandans have had to relearn how to “live together”. Our correspondent asked some of them what this “reconciliation” means for them.
Un certain nombre de documents d'archives originaux sur la campagne de Dien Bien Phu et la Conférence de Genève de 1954 ont été rendus publics pour la première fois.
Human rights council adopts resolution as Israel opens new routes into Gaza after Biden-Netanyahu phone call
Exclusive: senior party officials worked on commercial venture that would allow brands to sell products to supporters
Des gangs armés ont pris d'assaut mercredi la Bibliothèque nationale d'Haïti, située dans la capitale Port-au-Prince, a fait savoir à l'AFP son directeur, une nouvelle illustration de la spirale de violences dans ce pays des Caraïbes.
Poet who is curating country’s first Venice Biennale pavilion says ‘part of the heart’ of the country was looted and is being held in museums.
Israeli intelligence sources reveal use of ‘Lavender’ system in Gaza war and claim permission given to kill civilians in pursuit of low-ranking militants
Shah Muhammad Rais was devastated when Taliban destroyed his shop, but now he is sending books to Afghanistan via the internet.
Un acuerdo de cooperación entre el Archivo Nacional y el PNUD reforzará la política archivística del país e impulsará el trabajo de los archivos comunitarios para los grupos socioeconómicamente vulnerables del país. La política pretende garantizar que las comunidades negras, indígenas, rurales, de favelas y LGBTQI+ tengan acceso al derecho a la memoria y a las condiciones para registrar sus experiencias individuales y colectivas.
A cooperation agreement between the National Archives of Brasil and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will enhance the country's archival policy and support the efforts of community archives serving socioeconomically vulnerable groups. This policy aims to guarantee access to memory rights and the tools necessary for documenting the diverse experiences of black, indigenous, rural, favela-dwelling, and LGBTQIAP+ communities.
Human Rights Watch announced that it is releasing a series of archives highlighting the extraordinary efforts of human rights defenders in Rwanda and abroad, to warn about the planned 1994 genocide and attempt to stop the killings.
Human Rights Watch a annoncé la publication d’une série d’archives témoignant des efforts extraordinaires déployés par des défenseurs des droits humains au Rwanda et à l’étranger pour lancer l’alerte au sujet du génocide planifié de 1994, et tenter d’arrêter les massacres.
Thirty years after the 1994 genocide, thousands of convicted men and women have already been released from prison. Others, like Emmanuel Ruzigana, are on the point of being released after serving their sentences. The government estimates that, putting completed sentences and pardons together, 2,200 “génocidaires” - as they are known in Rwanda - could be released in 2024. Who are they and how are they preparing?
Trente ans après le génocide de 1994, des milliers de femmes et d’hommes condamnés sont déjà sortis de prison. D’autres, en attente comme Emmanuel Ruzigana, sont sur le point d’être libérés, après avoir purgé leurs peines. Le gouvernement estime qu’entre les fins de peine et les remises de peine, 2 200 « génocidaires » – selon le terme consacré au Rwanda –, pourraient être remis en liberté en 2024. Qui sont-ils et comment se préparent-ils ?
A protest at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco led to the resignation of its leader and to a monthlong closure of its galleries. The Yerba Buena Center for the Arts event was among the most dramatic in a series of demonstrations about the Israel-Hamas war that have rocked the cultural sector in recent months with protests, withdrawals and other calls for boycotts.
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Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2024 (65)
Between 2020 and 2025
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- yes (65)