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XOCHIMILCO, Mexico — In the 70 years Miguel del Valle has worked on his family’s chinampa in Xochimilco, a neighborhood in the south of Mexico City, he has witnessed a huge change in the environment and the attitudes of his neighbors. “Xochimilco was always famous for its vegetables and flowers,” the 80-year-old farmer.
“This photograph was never meant to be a precious artifact.” That is the first line in historian Elyse Semerdjian’s Remnants: Embodied Archives of the Armenian Genocide, a 300-page ground-breaking, corpse-gathering mission to re-member the dis-membered.
Removal of abortion-related content on social media platforms with inadequate or unclear justification can contribute to the increasing challenges in accessing abortion care and threatens the right to health and bodily autonomy, according to a new briefing from Amnesty International. In Obstacles to Autonomy: Post-Roe Removal of Abortion Information Online, Amnesty International reveals that social […]
The Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) launched a campaign on Tuesday to address the unfolding crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan, amid the going war between rival military forces that erupted last April.
The personal photos of Brazilian children are being used to create powerful artificial intelligence (AI) tools without the children’s knowledge or consent.
Las fotos personales de infantes brasileños son utilizadas para crear potentes herramientas de inteligencia artificial (IA) sin conocimiento ni consentimiento de ellos.
Girls and young women who escaped Boko Haram captivity in north-east Nigeria faced further suffering, including sometimes in unlawful military detention, and are now receiving inadequate support as they attempt to rebuild their lives, Amnesty International said in a new report. ‘Help us build our lives’: Girl survivors of Boko Haram and military abuses in […]
Des filles et des jeunes femmes ayant échappé à Boko Haram, qui les maintenait captives dans le nord-est du Nigeria, se sont heurtées à de nouvelles souffrances, y compris, dans certains cas, à un maintien en détention illégale par l’armée, et reçoivent désormais un soutien inadapté alors qu’elles tentent de reconstruire leur vie, a établi Amnesty International dans un nouveau rapport. Intitulé « Aidez-nous à construire notre vie » : les rescapées des atteintes aux droits humains commises...
Las niñas y mujeres jóvenes que escaparon del cautiverio de Boko Haram en el noreste de Nigeria tuvieron que soportar aún más sufrimiento, algunas incluso detención militar ilegítima, y ahora que intentar rehacer su vida no reciben apoyo suficiente; así lo afirma Amnistía Internacional en un nuevo informe. El informe, ‘Help us build our lives’: Girl survivors of Boko Haram and military abuses in north-east Nigeria, investiga cómo estas niñas sobrevivieron a la trata y los crímenes de lesa...
Salle à guichets fermés, ovation debout. Il ne manquait que le tapis rouge, à Montréal la semaine dernière, pour accueillir Oleksandra Matviïtchouk, la patronne du Centre pour les libertés civiles de Kyiv et l’une des lauréates du prix Nobel de la paix de 2022.
Les forces de sécurité de la Malaisie ont détruit près de 140 habitations d’une communauté autochtone vivant sur le littoral de l’État de Sabah dans l’île de Bornéo, dans le cadre d’une opération de « répression de la criminalité ». Pour l’ONG locale de défense des droits humains Pusat KOMAS, les Bajau Laut « font l’objet d’une discrimination systémique ». « Leur déplacement forcé soulève de sérieuses questions quant au traitement équitable des minorités ethniques en Malaisie.
Many victim-survivors and scholars say ‘sex slaves’ more accurately describes the abuses the women endured, but governments have been slow to change their view.
The Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) has launched the nation’s first online records repository and research tool for Indian boarding school records. The database, called The National Indian Boarding School Digital Archive (NIBSDA), was nearly five years in the making, and contains records collected from National Archives in Seattle and Kansas City, Mo. Those records contain case files, administrative records, enrollment registers, and health information about Native...
The National Security Ministry's legal team is reviewing existing legislation to determine whether it allows for wider sharing of information on convicted sex offenders.
The cleaning industry across Europe is increasingly under scrutiny for its treatment of employees and disregard for the European standard of fair labour laws. A six-month-long investigation into the European cleaning industry shed light on a complex network across Europe and exploitative business practices.
Native Title, a legal recognition of Aboriginal rights over an area, is set to cover 60 per cent of Australia's landmass in the next 15 years.
Disruption has affected wider range of health providers than first thought, including GPs and community and mental health services
Alors qu'a éclaté une polémique sur la restitution à l’Algérie par la France de biens qu'elle réclame depuis des années, nous avons interrogé Sébastien Ledoux et Paul Max Morin, auteurs du récent « L'Algérie de Macron : les impasses d'une politique mémorielle » (PUF).
The Israel State Archives – a unit within the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) – is for the first time revealing to the general public 10,189 population files of Jerusalem residents from 1948, which were collected by the “People’s Guard’ in Jerusalem during the War of Independence.
En 10 ans à la tête de l’Inde, Narendra Modi a mis en œuvre une politique très hostile aux musulmans, qui constituent quelque 15 % de la population.
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