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Matter-of-fact accounting of the legal mechanism of slavery provides insight into American history and the country’s fraught present. At a time when many schools across the country grapple with teaching truthful American history, the preservation of precious archival documents can provide a vital lens through which to understand the past and its implications for the present and future.
In the 19th century, Australia was home to Magdalene "retreats", Catholic-run institutions to reform wayward women. For some, the path to penitence was a brutal one.
A community-based volunteer group worked on digitising records related to community organisations in San Francisco’s Chinatown. The records include those of organisations such as the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, which was at the forefront of filing civil rights lawsuits against the Chinese Exclusion Act and supporting newly arrived immigrants.
Belarusian authorities carried out a widespread and systematic crackdown on dissent and on the spread of information about rights abuses during 2023.
The Joint Lower House Committee approved the 2023 amendments, incorporating modifications after discussions with experts and relevant bodies.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) hearings on January 11 and 12, 2024, on genocide in Gaza will include the first formal response by Israel before an independent and impartial court, to allegations of atrocities against the Palestinian people since October 7, 2023.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) hearings on January 11 and 12, 2024, on genocide in Gaza will include the first formal response by Israel before an independent and impartial court, to allegations of atrocities against the Palestinian people since October 7, 2023.
Zambia has become the latest country to enact an Access to Information law, signed the bill last month. Under the new law, every citizen can request unclassified information from the government on any issue of public interest.
Mañana será un día importante para el gobierno de Israel y el pueblo palestino, así como para la historia de la justicia internacional. El más alto tribunal del mundo iniciará las audiencias sobre las acusaciones de genocidio en Gaza.
Mañana será un día importante para el gobierno de Israel y el pueblo palestino, así como para la historia de la justicia internacional. El más alto tribunal del mundo iniciará las audiencias sobre las acusaciones de genocidio en Gaza.
Keen to preserve items and documents pertaining to the history of Palestine, a digital platform, Palestine Nexus, launched in 2020, has redoubled its efforts to gather and protect treasures drawn from archives across the Middle East.
Party to ask for details of individual relocation costs and any payments to the Rwandan government.
In 1976, then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin said the then-nascent right-wing movement that pushed Jewish settlers into what was supposed to be Palestinian land was a “cancer” and an “acute danger” to Israel’s democracy. He warned that it would lead to apartheid, a specter raised in later years by his successors Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert.
The purchase of thousands of photos has come as a result of a new deal between the archive's foreign owner and the National Library of New Zealand. The historic archive includes important images of key figures in Māoridom and a significant section of images documenting political activation.
Many of the documents written and received by the real-life people portrayed in Martin Scorsese’s latest film are housed in Cowtown.
Au Portugal, les descendants des juifs portugais expulsés il y a plus de 500 ans du territoire peuvent obtenir la nationalité. Mais des scandales ont conduit à un durcissement des conditions. Une loi en ce sens a été votée vendredi 5 janvier 2024.
The United Arab Emirates acknowledged it is conducting a mass trial of 84 inmates previously reported by dissidents.
Le procès qui s’ouvrira en Suisse le 8 janvier 2024, pour des crimes graves commis en Gambie, représente une avancée significative pour délivrer la justice aux victimes de graves abus.
The opening of a Swiss trial for serious crimes committed in The Gambia on January 8, 2024 represents a significant advance for justice for the victims of grave abuses.
Ana Piquer, directrice du programme Amériques à Amnesty International, a déclaré : « Virginia Laparra n’aurait jamais dû passer un seul jour en prison. Nous nous réjouissons qu’elle puisse retrouver ses proches après avoir passé près de deux ans en détention comme prisonnière d’opinion. Sa libération marque un premier pas vers la fin des graves violations des droits humains qu’elle subit en représailles de son travail remarquable en tant que procureure anticorruption ».
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Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2024 (65)
Between 2020 and 2025
Online resource
- yes (65)