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En Belgique, de nouveaux témoignages de victimes relancent le scandale des adoptions forcées et éclaboussent une nouvelle fois l’Église catholique en Flandre. Près de 30 000 enfants auraient été retirés à leur mère par des religieux entre les années 1950 et 1980 et ils auraient parfois même été vendus à leur famille d’adoption.
Reported disappearance of 2,700 pages of classified material caused alarm in US intelligence circles.
Israeli authorities say they undressed the detainees as a security measure, but that photos of them in their underwear "serve nobody". The images have sparked debate on the legality of the IDF's arrest procedures. Human Rights Watch told FRANCE 24 that sharing humiliating images of prisoners can amount to a war crime
In an overwhelming bipartisan vote, the U.S. Senate passed a military policy bill that includes an extension of surveillance authority that the government has used — and heavily abused — to access the communications of activists, journalists, lawmakers, and others without a warrant.
After weeks of intense settler violence in the aftermath of the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October, and despite the decades-long fight to remain in their homes, these communities are now being forced off their land.
Politics of Libraries VI (PoL VI) seeks to generate a thoughtful discussion on solidarity between information workers. Some of the themes are: academic freedom, white supremacy, heteronormative patriarchy, and ableism in the GLAM sector. This is a virtual conference taking place from 5 April to 24 May, 2024 on Fridays at 12pm MST
In recent years, a number of stories have been reported in the media about the awful sufferings and exploitation of Bangladeshi women migrant workers in some Middle East countries. Many of the victims returned home empty-handed, tortured or even dead, which posed questions about the protection of women migrant workers in those countries.
Les autorités israéliennes, qui déplorent la diffusion de ces images, affirment avoir dévêtu ces prisonniers par mesure de sécurité. Plusieurs interrogations entourent toutefois la légalité de telles pratiques, alors que le partage d'images humiliantes de prisonniers peut être considéré comme un crime de guerre, a indiqué Human Rights Watch à France 24.
El Consejo Internacional de Archivos (ICA) ha tenido conocimiento del bombardeo del edificio de los Archivos Centrales de Gaza y de la biblioteca pública principal, que ha provocado la destrucción de documentos históricos que datan de hace 100 años.
Le Conseil International des Archives (ICA) a été informé de l'annonce du bombardement du bâtiment des archives centrales de Gaza et de la principale bibliothèque publique, qui a entraîné la destruction de documents historiques datant d'une centaine d'années.
The International Council on Archives (ICA) has learnt of the reported bombing of the Central Archives building in Gaza and the main public library, resulting in the destruction of historical documents dating back 100 years.
As the suffering of children is witnessed worldwide, the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has launched a new Policy on Children to help remedy their historic underrepresentation and lack of engagement in international criminal justice processes.
Alors que nous sommes témoins de la souffrance des enfants dans le monde entier, le Bureau du Procureur publie un nouveau document de politique générale relatif aux enfants afin de remédier à leur sous‑représentation historique et à leur manque de participation dans les procédures de justice pénale internationale.
While celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights most commentaries have focused on the historical importance of the document, its relevance, and the fact that it would be impossible today for United Nations member states to adopt such an agreement. Yet two equally – if not more – crucial questions linger: what was the Universal Declaration’s theory of change, meaning how did its authors intend for it
An American pawnshop owner donated an album containing photos of atrocities committed by the Japanese Army in World War II in China, updating the complete electronic archive of the album.
The European Parliament agreed on their position on digitalising EU health data, paving the way for the start of interinstitutional negotiations. Secondary use of data would be possible after being anonymised or pseudonymised.
The U.S. learned this lesson during World War II—and it should guide those countries at war in 2023.
La décision était très attendue. Rina Gonoi, une ancienne soldate, avait été la première à dénoncer publiquement les agressions sexuelles dans l'armée japonaise et à porter plainte devant la justice pour de tels faits contre trois de ses anciens collègues.
Three Japanese ex-soldiers were found guilty Tuesday but given only suspended jail sentences for sexually assaulting a female colleague who won praise but also online hate for going public with her accusations.
Responding to yesterday’s High Court acquittal of opposition leader, Jacob Ngarivhume, who was sentenced in April to 48 months imprisonment for leading protests against government corruption, Khanyo Farisè, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Southern Africa, said: “His imprisonment is a travesty, and an affront to Zimbabwe’s constitution and the country’s international human rights obligations. No […]
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